<<<OU v. OSU All-Time (a comparison)>>>

As CBS included in thier trivia, Okla A&M was the first school to go to back to back Final Fours. They said it not me.

I forgot, our NCs don't count.

Who said that they don't count? Seriously, you pokes are really grasping at straws here.
100 point games?! That's a weird one to include.

I noticed on the Arizona boards that 4 or 5 posters said something to the effect of, "Capel will probably want to leave because he's tired of being overshadowed by Oklahoma State"

Prestige is all about perception.

The national media does not perceive OSU to be the better program. A couple of fools hoping that OU's coach will leave does not impact national perception. OU has a much better national perception in basketball than they do in the State of Oklahoma.
The national media does not perceive OSU to be the better program. A couple of fools hoping that OU's coach will leave does not impact national perception. OU has a much better national perception in basketball than they do in the State of Oklahoma.

What he said!
I could be wrong but I believe OSU beat the NIT champions the second year they won the NCAA tournament. If so, that would solidify that championship.

OSU comes up short in both prestige and perception. In fact, ESPN's prestige rankings last year had OU at #12 and OSU at #32. The gap has only widened since then with the 08-09 season.

I could find you a couple of overall rankings made in the past 5 years that has OSU a head of OU. It's really just how you look at it.
I could be wrong but I believe OSU beat the NIT champions the second year they won the NCAA tournament. If so, that would solidify that championship.

I could find you a couple of overall rankings made in the past 5 years that has OSU a head of OU. It's really just how you look at it.

In an exhibition game. The NIT team was then considered the best at the time in the better tournament.
How do you figure that? OSU is currently having success in essentially every men's sport.

Football - Bowl Game, 9 win season.
Basketball - 2nd round of the NCAA tournament
Cross country and track - The best American amateur runner in 20 years, and possibly ever (German Fernandez)
Wrestling - A down year, but historically a top 3 program
Baseball - Top 15 team
Golf - Has placed 3rd or higher in 5 of 6 tournaments.
Tennis - Top 25 team with the #1 ranked singles player in the nation (Oleksandr Nedovyesov)

Even in women's sports, a Big XII championship in both soccer and Equestrian.

How do you figure that? OSU is currently having success in essentially every men's sport.

Football - Bowl Game, 9 win season.
Basketball - 2nd round of the NCAA tournament
Cross country and track - The best American amateur runner in 20 years, and possibly ever (German Fernandez)
Wrestling - A down year, but historically a top 3 program
Baseball - Top 15 team
Golf - Has placed 3rd or higher in 5 of 6 tournaments.
Tennis - Top 25 team with the #1 ranked singles player in the nation (Oleksandr Nedovyesov)

Even in women's sports, a Big XII championship in both soccer and Equestrian.

Final 4
Elite 8
BCS Championship game

Which would you rather have yours or mines.
Originally Posted by HoHum
How do you figure that? OSU is currently having success in essentially every men's sport.

Football - Bowl Game, 9 win season.
Basketball - 2nd round of the NCAA tournament
Cross country and track - The best American amateur runner in 20 years, and possibly ever (German Fernandez)
Wrestling - A down year, but historically a top 3 program
Baseball - Top 15 team
Golf - Has placed 3rd or higher in 5 of 6 tournaments.
Tennis - Top 25 team with the #1 ranked singles player in the nation (Oleksandr Nedovyesov)

Even in women's sports, a Big XII championship in both soccer and Equestrian.

AP female NPOY
Wade Trophy

Which would you rather have?
AP female NPOY
Wade Trophy

Which would you rather have?

That has absolutely ZERO to due with his argument that "OSU has a pretty pathetic athletic department all around really."

So, what in the world are you talking about?
I don't get it?

I'm just countering that guy's argument that OSU has a "pathetic" athletic department, by saying they are good in essentially every sport.

Congrats for being the Big 12 equestrian champs but lets keep equestrian out of the discussion.
That has absolutely ZERO to due with his argument that "OSU has a pretty pathetic athletic department all around really."

So, what in the world are you talking about?

That the programs you cited have Zero to do with the average sports fan. When is the last time you saw one of those events. Two things real quick. If you look at every school you'll find a sport that the university may excel in. OU has a softball, volleyball, rowing, and Gymnastics program that's good. What does it mean? Nothing. How many people watch on TV or have been to one of those competitions? Second point is some of these sports aren't even worth mentioning. You mention Equestrian and I doubt there are more than 30 equestrian teams nationally. If their are, you're probably competing against mid Majors. Same thing applies for Wrestling. OU is a top 10 program nationally in wrestling. Well, there are only about 40 schools that have a complete wrestling team. Lehigh is a wrestling power! I'll conceed golf, not on the fact that it's a major spectator sport on the college level, but solely on the fact that it can generate alums who go on to excel professionally.

My point is when boasting of achievements of your athletic program, you guys are using the same scale that you do when mentioning prehistoric Bball NCs, cherry picking higlights and overlooking lowlights(like OSUs lack of bball success from the late 60s to the 90s). The reason why is that if you debate it on the merits of things that matter to fans like modern success , Head to Head dominance, and sports that matter to the common fan, there is no leg to stand on.

Edit Note: To further reiterate my overall opinion, you cited OSU long distance runner German Fernandez. Fernandez is a great runner and the equivalent to Blake in regards of this years dominance of his sport. You had to put his name in quotation marks because we wouldn't know who he was if you didn't. That would be the equivalent of us going on an OSU board and having to say "We have one of the best QBs in college(Sam Bradford) , saying "We have a 4 time all American in Women's Basketball(Courtney Paris), or we have the probably number one pick in the NBA draft(Blake Griffin).
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My point is when boasting of achievements of your athletic program, you guys are using the same scale that you do when mentioning prehistoric Bball NCs, cherry picking higlights and overlooking lowlights(like OSUs lack of bball success from the late 60s to the 90s). .

Not cherry picking. Answer the question. When has OU ever won a NCAA or NIT Championship? Don't belittle ours because you don't have any.
Not cherry picking. Answer the question. When has OU ever won a NCAA or NIT Championship? Don't belittle ours because you don't have any.

I'll continue to belittle yours because it was in an era where equality didn't exist. Joey Graham, Tony Allen, nor Desmond Mason would have been permitted to be on that team, so why is it relevant? If it were an Era like today or even the Mid 50s early 60s where their was a one tournament system and an era where people of different cultures and creeds were permitted to play, I would be more inclined to support. But go ahead, knock yourself out. Go buy one of those Kohl's T-shirts that says back to back 47/48 to go along with you "stOOPS there it is 38-28 beat OU" shirt. I'm more incline to respect what ex OSU alum Don Haskins did for the game of basketball as opposed to what happened in a totally different Era and different type of basketball in the 40s.
I'll continue to belittle yours because it was in an era where equality didn't exist. Joey Graham, Tony Allen, nor Desmond Mason would have been permitted to be on that team, so why is it relevant? If it were an Era like today or even the Mid 50s early 60s where their was a one tournament system and an era where people of different cultures and creeds were permitted to play, I would be more inclined to support. But go ahead, knock yourself out. Go buy one of those Kohl's T-shirts that says back to back 47/48 to go along with you "stOOPS there it is 38-28 beat OU" shirt. I'm more incline to respect what ex OSU alum Don Haskins did for the game of basketball as opposed to what happened in a totally different Era and different type of basketball in the 40s.

So should Bud Wilkinson give back his mythical NCs because of the lack of diversity?
So should Bud Wilkinson give back his mythical NCs because of the lack of diversity?

Anything before Dr. Prentiss Gautt came aboard or Dr. Ada Lois Sipeul enrolled at OU. Thing is you don't see OU fans mentioning Bud Wilkinson to naseum. OU fans have more recent things to highlight so no need to cherry pick.
Anything before Dr. Prentiss Gautt came aboard or Dr. Ada Lois Sipeul enrolled at OU. Thing is you don't see OU fans mentioning Bud Wilkinson to naseum. OU fans have more recent things to highlight so no need to cherry pick.

Nothing wrong with standing up against an injustice. If that is truly your belief, I can respect that.

I just somehow think that the average OU or OSU fan doesn't feel the same way.
Nothing wrong with standing up against an injustice. If that is truly your belief, I can respect that.

I just somehow think that the average OU or OSU fan doesn't feel the same way.

Not standing up against any injustice, just recognizing history and the relevance of an accomplishment in the total scheme of the discussion. The majority of player now are African American. Over 75% of the scholarship athletes in the final 4 are African American. You're bragging on a NC in an era where 0% of OSU's team and their competition was african american. Not really a political stance, but a stance in recognizing relevance. OSU fans make mention of OU football players in the 50s being ex WWII soldiers and age and body maturity is why they dominated in that era. I feel myphilosophy has more relevance than that, but it's along the same lines.