OU vs #9KU 12pm CST on CBS

The 7 conference losses have been by an average of 17.2 points. Take out the 1 loss to Baylor by 2. It goes up to 19.7 points per game. Lost the last 7 conference games by 120 points total.
Are you serious? Goldwire was mediocre or worse most of last season and Harkless was awful. Sherfield is far better and Uzan has at least shown flashes. Blaming our guard play for Tanner’s season is a joke.

Completely serious. Goldwire is better than every guard on our team not named Sherfield or Uzan. He was more consistent than most gave him credit for. The problem is everybody expected him or wanted him to come in and be a superstar and that's not who he was ever going to be. Sherfield and Gibson are a wash. Uzan is better than Harkless. Chargois is better than JG and Godwin. Marvin Johnson and Bam are a wash. TG regressed. Noland stayed the same. Cortes improved.
moser is a builder and that is not a fast process especially in this league currently if you are not a top 30 team you are going to struggle ..

What did he build at Illinois State? Had one good season then regressed significantly. And it took him years to get good at Loyola. You really think it’s wise to give him five or six years to “build” in a better conference and in a new era where it’s almost impossible to build around 4-year players?
That is all we need? You can't be serious. We need significant upgrades at two of our starting five positions (and probably three of the five). We need length and athleticism in a bad way....even coming off the bench. We've learned the hard way that you can't hitch your wagon to unathletic mid-major players who have prominent roles.

I'm not saying that's all we need, I'm saying that's what I've seen from posters on this board.
Completely serious. Goldwire is better than every guard on our team not named Sherfield or Uzan. He was more consistent than most gave him credit for. The problem is everybody expected him or wanted him to come in and be a superstar and that's not who he was ever going to be. Sherfield and Gibson are a wash. Uzan is better than Harkless. Chargois is better than JG and Godwin. Marvin Johnson and Bam are a wash. TG regressed. Noland stayed the same. Cortes improved.

he is also better than Uzan
moser is a builder and that is not a fast process especially in this league currently if you are not a top 30 team you are going to struggle ..

See KSU and ISU. They were able to rebuild instantaneously by savvy moves in the portal. I just don't trust PM's track record of portal moves outside of Sherfied and maybe Goldwire. If he has a repeat of this season next year....he should be gone....and there should be no doubt.
Another concern is: Moser really wants out of Norma, but nobody will pay the 9 or even 6 million because of this season. Then OU is stuck with a coach who doesn't want to be there, and isn't concerned with building anything.
moser is a builder and that is not a fast process especially in this league currently if you are not a top 30 team you are going to struggle ..

Maybe so but he didn’t build much last year and he isn’t building anything this year. I don’t think it is unreasonable to expect to see some of this building occur over 2 seasons. Winning is one thing and improving is another.

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If PM does truly want out of Norman than something else it up. Coaches don't just bolt after 1 & 3/4 seasons. And don't tell me it's fan support. I liked the Moser hire, and I think he can still be successful at OU. The transition from mid major to power 5 I imagine is a transition for a coach, the same as it would be for a player. I see no reason why a good coach can't grow and learn from a new experience. But if it's something like he's homesick and wants to go back up north, then let him go. That seems pretty weak to me. Or if it's too tough of a task, which would contradict everything that he seems to stand for. I think the Moser wants out hype is just that, hype for clicks and attention.
Moser's two tourney both involved Krutwig, did they not? So it seems possible that Krutwig was to Moser as Blake Griffin was to Capel (not that I'm putting Krutwig in BG's class as a player, of course): a player who elevated his coach to a level he'd otherwise never reach.
That said, if ND is pursuing him and that is a job that he's always wanted then I see no reason he shouldn't pursue that as well.
Hmm. So what is the best, or most exciting thing we can pull from this game today? Oweh made a 3? Yesss! Absolutely pathetic how far this program has fallen. Embarrassing in fact. How good or bad the Big 12 is right now has nothing to do with the * product we're seeing right now. And stop blaming fans. Every time they show up, they get a * sandwich performance. We're getting blown out at home by not great teams, and seemingly getting worse every game. From what we've seen, how could anybody in their right mind think Moser can get us out of this? I mean, things are so pathetic right now, that fans would almost give anything for Kruger's late career mediocrity of .500 or barely below conference records, which is also pathetic. I loved Lon, but the fact is he let the program slide badly into mediocrity before he left. I was so excited about Moser hoping he could get us to that next step, like every other coach in my fandom has done(even Capel). But we get this * show? What a joke.
Moser's two tourney both involved Krutwig, did they not? So it seems possible that Krutwig was to Moser as Blake Griffin was to Capel (not that I'm putting Krutwig in BG's class as a player, of course): a player who elevated his coach to a level he'd otherwise never reach.

I don't think this is an inaccurate statement. I've stated previously that I think one of moser's biggest mistakes was thinking that Tanner was going to be his Krutwig at OU. But if he is a good coach like most thought he was coming in and nationally is still perceived that way then I think he should be able to grow and be successful as a P5 coach.
I was there with the family. Honestly, it wasn’t very fun. Of course, a day at a basketball game is always an enjoyable time to an extent, but as a fan and someone who cares, it was a drab and dull experience. This is really bad. I really don’t know what else to say at this point. Multiple things can be true at once and it looks like I was wrong after we lost in Stilly when I said that Moser just lacked talent and that I thought he was coaching them to their max.

He DOES lack talent and athleticism. To an extreme I’d say. That’s true. But beyond that, the team is lost out sea and looks incompetent. Everything is hard. Dribbling, passing, shooting, rotating, rebounding. Nothing comes easy. Everything is a grind and struggle. You’d like to think they’d find SOMETHING but the team is not totally non-competitive. Listless, lifeless, boring, seemingly lacking confidence in any aspect of basketball.

Kind of a sad day actually… this was the officially official end to the season and any opportunity to make a late run. Beyond that, even at this early juncture in the PM era, it just feels so off. Felt no one really wanted to be there today— coaches, players, fans (well, except for the 3000 or so happy Jayhawks fans).
I was there with the family. Honestly, it wasn’t very fun. Of course, a day at a basketball game is always an enjoyable time to an extent, but as a fan and someone who cares, it was a drab and dull experience. This is really bad. I really don’t know what else to say at this point. Multiple things can be true at once and it looks like I was wrong after we lost in Stilly when I said that Moser just lacked talent and that I thought he was coaching them to their max.

He DOES lack talent and athleticism. To an extreme I’d say. That’s true. But beyond that, the team is lost out sea and looks incompetent. Everything is hard. Dribbling, passing, shooting, rotating, rebounding. Nothing comes easy. Everything is a grind and struggle. You’d like to think they’d find SOMETHING but the team is not totally non-competitive. Listless, lifeless, boring, seemingly lacking confidence in any aspect of basketball.

Kind of a sad day actually… this was the officially official end to the season and any opportunity to make a late run. Beyond that, even at this early juncture in the PM era, it just feels so off. Felt no one really wanted to be there today— coaches, players, fans (well, except for the 3000 or so happy Jayhawks fans).

Fair assessment. I agree completely that we struggle at everything. Usually, teams that are deficient from a talent standpoint can at least find something to hang their hat on. We don’t even manage that. Our defense and rebounding aren’t even good enough to make up some of the gap, and those are two areas where teams lacking talent can usually help themselves. It feels totally hopeless. I’ve not seen any signs from Moser that he can figure it out.
Moser should resign and quit stealing our money. He and ND can be happy together and we can start the process of finding the right coach.
Since the Alabama win.

OU has lost 4 straight games
OU has been outscored by 75 total points (18.75 per game)
OU has not kept a game within single digits
OU is 22-83 from the 3pt line in this stretch (26%)
OU has 34 assists and 67 turnovers in this stretch