OU vs ISU 6pm CST on ESPN2

I'm afraid Moser is having to learn this. WHo could start on any of B12 team? SHerfiled? I'm not sure he guards well enough and can get up and down like the others starters. He can def score. Hill is a heck of a program guy and gives his best. I think Uzan can be a good player. He does have some quickness. Not sure anyone else would get valuable minutes on any team in the leaugue.

Grant would definitely start on most if not all teams. I realize he played poorly tonight, but he has been great, not good, up to this point. But he is the only one. The rest of the guys would be nice pieces off the bench for other teams.
I suppose I just don't understand why he recruits these kids out of HS/portal and then benches them all year, without really even giving them a shot even in non-conference play, like Kieta. I know that he was injured for a minute but last I heard he'd recovered. that's why Mawein left after just 1 year in Norman, it's Groves or bust for Moser. I'm not saying the Groves boys aren't good at times, but they, especially the younger one, are streaky AF and undependable, so why not try to put someone else in for a bit to see what happens? Overall I guess we are still lacking in athleticism, or just the belief that they can win those close games in the end....instead we just crumble, and isn't that on coaching? I think if we plummet to the bottom of the B12 this season, and then again next year, Moser should be outta there!
The problem once again last night was offensive rebounding. It may not look like it when you see we had one more total overall, but they had 10 offensive boards to our 7 with 14 second chance points to our 4.

We also had fewer turnovers.
I suppose I just don't understand why he recruits these kids out of HS/portal and then benches them all year, without really even giving them a shot even in non-conference play, like Kieta. I know that he was injured for a minute but last I heard he'd recovered. that's why Mawein left after just 1 year in Norman, it's Groves or bust for Moser. I'm not saying the Groves boys aren't good at times, but they, especially the younger one, are streaky AF and undependable, so why not try to put someone else in for a bit to see what happens? Overall I guess we are still lacking in athleticism, or just the belief that they can win those close games in the end....instead we just crumble, and isn't that on coaching? I think if we plummet to the bottom of the B12 this season, and then again next year, Moser should be outta there!

Good points. I have a concern that Benny is going to ride the pine this year then transfer or go back to Europe or something and absolutely tear it up when he gets a real shot to play.
I'm as disappointed as anyone in the results of last night's game, but the game simply couldn't been any closer. It's worth remembering that one of the worst calls we'll see all season resulted in three points for ISU and that's exactly the margin we lost by. Now, I'm the first to say that we could have--and should have--overcome that bad call. We had time to. But it feels like OU is not getting breaks of late (yes, yes, you have to create your own breaks--I get it).

We're often told--on this board and elsewhere--that the home team gets the calls in basketball, but we often don't. We didn't against texas and we didn't last night. Sometimes a team goes through unlucky streaks, and that seems to be OU's fate right now.

If you'd told me entering last night's game that Sherfield was going to score just four points (and play as poorly as he did overall), I would assumed OU was in for a double-digit loss.

I get that we're possibly facing an 0-4 conference start and I'm no happier about that than anyone is, but I can see this team turning it around, if things start to fall their way a bit. It would take very little for that to happen. Is it going to happen? I have no idea. But it feels too early to go as negative as some have done. One poster has been relentlessly negative for several weeks now. It's funny, because when I expressed frustration--negativity, if you will--during our losing streak late last season, I caught all kinds of grief for it. Now, we see posters going much further down the negative path than I did, and it's still early January. I'm not prepared to give up on the team just yet.
I'm as disappointed as anyone in the results of last night's game, but the game simply couldn't been any closer. It's worth remembering that one of the worst calls we'll see all season resulted in three points for ISU and that's exactly the margin we lost by. Now, I'm the first to say that we could have--and should have--overcome that bad call. We had time to. But it feels like OU is not getting breaks of late (yes, yes, you have to create your own breaks--I get it).

We're often told--on this board and elsewhere--that the home team gets the calls in basketball, but we often don't. We didn't against texas and we didn't last night. Sometimes a team goes through unlucky streaks, and that seems to be OU's fate right now.

If you'd told me entering last night's game that Sherfield was going to score just four points (and play as poorly as he did overall), I would assumed OU was in for a double-digit loss.

I get that we're possibly facing an 0-4 conference start and I'm no happier about that than anyone is, but I can see this team turning it around, if things start to fall their way a bit. It would take very little for that to happen. Is it going to happen? I have no idea. But it feels too early to go as negative as some have done. One poster has been relentlessly negative for several weeks now. It's funny, because when I expressed frustration--negativity, if you will--during our losing streak late last season, I caught all kinds of grief for it. Now, we see posters going much further down the negative path than I did, and it's still early January. I'm not prepared to give up on the team just yet.

I'm as disappointed as anyone in the results of last night's game, but the game simply couldn't been any closer. It's worth remembering that one of the worst calls we'll see all season resulted in three points for ISU and that's exactly the margin we lost by. Now, I'm the first to say that we could have--and should have--overcome that bad call. We had time to. But it feels like OU is not getting breaks of late (yes, yes, you have to create your own breaks--I get it).

We're often told--on this board and elsewhere--that the home team gets the calls in basketball, but we often don't. We didn't against texas and we didn't last night. Sometimes a team goes through unlucky streaks, and that seems to be OU's fate right now.

If you'd told me entering last night's game that Sherfield was going to score just four points (and play as poorly as he did overall), I would assumed OU was in for a double-digit loss.

I get that we're possibly facing an 0-4 conference start and I'm no happier about that than anyone is, but I can see this team turning it around, if things start to fall their way a bit. It would take very little for that to happen. Is it going to happen? I have no idea. But it feels too early to go as negative as some have done. One poster has been relentlessly negative for several weeks now. It's funny, because when I expressed frustration--negativity, if you will--during our losing streak late last season, I caught all kinds of grief for it. Now, we see posters going much further down the negative path than I did, and it's still early January. I'm not prepared to give up on the team just yet.

I always respect your opinion, Sky. But I think the issue I am having is that this exact thing could be posted about pretty much every loss the past two seasons. Playing teams close only matters if you win your fair share of them, and we not only aren't showing progress in that area, it has somehow gotten even worse this season. It may seem premature, but I basically feel like this team's realistic chances of making the tourney are gone. Unlike some of the years under Lon when we got in by virtue of a very strong noncon resume, we didn't pick up a single win in noncon that will move the needle. Because of that, I think we would need 8 conference wins -- I don't think 7-11 would do it even with the league being as strong as it is. Based on what we have seen, I see the odds of us going 8-8 the rest of the way are almost zero. I think that's the worst thing for me -- it's only January 5 and it feels like we need a miracle to make the tournament. We don't have a ton of talent, but there is no excuse to be in that situation.

Close games can sometimes come down to fluky things, or just making/missing a critical shot. But for this team, for two years in a row, it's not flukes -- it is turnovers, failing to get defensive rebounds late in games, fouling three-point shooters, missed defensive assignments, poor execution, poor shot selection, stagnant offense with no movement. Those are all things that can/should be fixed by a coaching staff.

Yes, the missed call last night was blatant and awful. But as I noted in the thread, the first five fouls of the second half were on ISU. If it had been the other way around, people would have been howling, but since it was in our favor, no one mentions it. The play they reviewed involving Hill clearly was not a foul, and they made the right decision on that. But we all know that every time one of our guys gets hit with an inadvertent elbow, people immediately scream that it should be a flagrant foul. We also got away with a foul on the late inbound play where ISU turned it over. I think all the talk about officiating takes the focus away from the mistakes that the team keeps making, over and over. Until Moser shows an ability to fix those things, I will continue to be negative because I watch every second of every game and struggle to find any signs of progress.
Good points. I have a concern that Benny is going to ride the pine this year then transfer or go back to Europe or something and absolutely tear it up when he gets a real shot to play.

If benny was good hed be playing
Obviously Benny is good. Otherwise Moser wouldn't have brought him over from another country...I know he's injured this year, or has been off/on but idk why you wouldn't give him along with some of the others more PT in the non-conference season...now it's pretty much too late, so a season wasted. Good thing is we will lose a lot after this season, but that could also be very bad. Could we be complaining about a team that can actually compete this year, and then next year we have a team that's too young and has no chemistry due to too many transfers and they get smoked pretty much every B12 game?? I suppose it could always be worse, but we're at the bottom of the B12 now, so I don't want to even try to imagine how much worse. I agree, PM should get 4 years to see what he can do, but after that if we still blow, then he's gone!

Hoping our men can turn it all around and start winning!