Thoughts on Assistants

Are we really advocating for the University we say we love to start cheating????
In fairness, we "started" a LONG time ago. Are we as brazen as others? Not even close. But these meeting rooms aren't filled with saints. Some requests are denied, but blind eyes are turned every day.
Are we really advocating for the University we say we love to start cheating???? Geeze man I'll never be proud or on board with winning by cheating. I'm smart enough to know things happen, and we aren't perfect either, but as a parent, and older fan I want no parts of cheating to win. And for the record, every program accuses other programs of cheating, including us.

First of all, if you think we aren't cheating, well, you're wrong. Things happen under the table and out of sight everywhere in the country.

Second of all, all I'm asking for is for our compliance department to act like every other compliance department in the country. After the Capel fiasco and the Bomar issues, our compliance department became the tightest, strictest in the entire NCAA. I expected it would loosen up a bit with Boren gone, but it doesn't seem that it has.

I don't want us to be out there cheating in the open. I don't want SEC style Wild West stuff going on. I do, though, think we should be on a level playing field, and the basketball stuff is shady everywhere. It's hard to compete if you're not even able to come close to the grey areas.
I just wonder if it’s automatic no on Kellen McCoy or if there was actual work done by the compliance department. If it’s decision based on optics it’s dumb, if it’s about facts that’s another story. Everyone knows the OU compliance department has no risk tolerance, for example pastagate. Who else would self report players eating too much pasta?
Since the 80's the NCAA has been out to get OU any chance they get because they were butt hurt over TV revenue. OU has and unfortunately will continue to be punished for every little thing because the NCAA is so incredibly petty. All while the big time cheaters continue to get a pass. Then there will be the unfortunate cases where the NCAA singles out some other university to show that they're enforcing punishment for cheating letting their hypocrisy dangle in the breeze.

The compliance department helps to keep OU out of the NCAA's wrath. Are they overly cautious? Yes, but they have to be. It's unfortunate but necessary.
Posted this on TOS, but compliance nixing him is ridiculous, because, IMO, he is more than just an AAU coach. Kellen McCoy's credentials and resume would be solid even if you take away the AAU aspect.

He is a local product, graduating from Norman. Was a GA coach under Kruger in his first year. AC at Webber State and trained/helped Damon Lillard. He has a MASTER's degree from OU and for the last 7-8 years has been a high school teacher/basketball coach, including the last 3 at NNHS. This isn't a guy that is running basketball camps and creating super teams during the summer just to ride some kid's coattails. He has established roots in the community, including OU, and has the experience AND educational background to show he interested in improving the lives of student-athletes, not just getting rich off of them.

While I think, based on his resume and his connections, he would be a really good pick, he may not be Moser's best choice for a 3rd assistant. Maybe Moser has a more experienced guy in mind. But he certainly would be a qualified choice based on his background. And it is ridiculous for anyone in compliance to nix his entire resume based on an assumed perception or conflict.

In any case, Moser has been on point with every decision so far and I have no doubt he will get someone that we will look back on and not think twice about McCoy. I only hope it is all his decision, not just compliance.

ya....makes sense...hopefully it was Moser's choice vs compliance. I wouldn't understand that one...
First of all, if you think we aren't cheating, well, you're wrong. Things happen under the table and out of sight everywhere in the country.

Second of all, all I'm asking for is for our compliance department to act like every other compliance department in the country. After the Capel fiasco and the Bomar issues, our compliance department became the tightest, strictest in the entire NCAA. I expected it would loosen up a bit with Boren gone, but it doesn't seem that it has.

I don't want us to be out there cheating in the open. I don't want SEC style Wild West stuff going on. I do, though, think we should be on a level playing field, and the basketball stuff is shady everywhere. It's hard to compete if you're not even able to come close to the grey areas.

Oh I get it. I was om campus as a student during the Switzer years. I also have several good friends who played football and basketball at OU. I know what goes on, trust me....

I wasn't responding to what you said, I was responding to a couple of posters who have actively been saying they wish we would pay players because other schools do it and we can get away with it. It's been in a couple of threads lately.... I was just saying I want no parts of winning by cheating, and I don't care who is doing it. It's a personal thing with me. I won't allow college athletics to become so important in my life that I want to cheat to succeed. That isn't success the way I judge success.....

Nice video of Coach Moser in action.
No one can deny coach Kruger was a good coach. What I like about coach Moser is his passion and energy can be noticed in a 30 second video. Will that equal success, who knows, but I like it.
I am so, so glad EJ didn't leave. He is an excellent piece to build this team around. If he can fully step into a leadership position and the other guys take on his personality on the court, look out.
Is that another Anyang sighting?

Saw that too. Wonder if Porter thinks he can mold him into a “forward” he can use. Guess he’s still officially in the portal. As such weird he’s doing team activities..
Heard the name David Patrick as the 3rd assistant

Is that the guy who was associate head coach at Arkansas last season? If so, that seems an oddly lateral (or worse) move for him.