Thoughts on Assistants

Yeah, and Moser won’t either.

Also, don’t think Moser is going to hire a family member of a recruit for 2 years. That’s not his style either.

Ok I see now. Classic beard.
So how many people that were upset Beard has a special assistant to the head coach are ok with Moser having one?

I'm not OK with it. It seems pretty ridiculous.

But all things with the NCAA are now days
If it’s Kellen McCoy, I would bet he would want to wait until his guys from north signed this week so he could be part of that event.
If it’s Kellen McCoy, I would bet he would want to wait until his guys from north signed this week so he could be part of that event.

Unless folks are talking it down. I think this ship has sailed.
So it sounds like we’ll be adding a current head coach from another university as assistant? So, a smaller university? With a buyout for the coach? I’m confused.
So it sounds like we’ll be adding a current head coach from another university as assistant? So, a smaller university? With a buyout for the coach? I’m confused.

Not necessarily a head coach. Assistants can have buyouts as well. Crutchfield had a $100,000 buyout at Arkansas which Arkansas agreed to waive when he went to East Central.
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Kellen not it. I’ve been told.

Weird that it's taking this long. Have to think Porter's going after a head coach from somewhere. Majerus loved having former head coaches on his staff.
Will add- it was compliance said no to Kellen. Due to team griffin role.
Will add- it was compliance said no to Kellen. Due to team griffin role.

I don't "get it"...I mean osu can hire a kid's brother, ku the dad...MORE THAN ONCE...

seems like everyone else brings in whoever and not a damn thing happens. Is OU so over the top afraid..?

Why the issue with an aau team. Surely he isn't the first aau "coach" to be hired by a school...
I don't "get it"...I mean osu can hire a kid's brother, ku the dad...MORE THAN ONCE...

seems like everyone else brings in whoever and not a damn thing happens. Is OU so over the top afraid..?

Why the issue with an aau team. Surely he isn't the first aau "coach" to be hired by a school...
Posted this on TOS, but compliance nixing him is ridiculous, because, IMO, he is more than just an AAU coach. Kellen McCoy's credentials and resume would be solid even if you take away the AAU aspect.

He is a local product, graduating from Norman. Was a GA coach under Kruger in his first year. AC at Webber State and trained/helped Damon Lillard. He has a MASTER's degree from OU and for the last 7-8 years has been a high school teacher/basketball coach, including the last 3 at NNHS. This isn't a guy that is running basketball camps and creating super teams during the summer just to ride some kid's coattails. He has established roots in the community, including OU, and has the experience AND educational background to show he interested in improving the lives of student-athletes, not just getting rich off of them.

While I think, based on his resume and his connections, he would be a really good pick, he may not be Moser's best choice for a 3rd assistant. Maybe Moser has a more experienced guy in mind. But he certainly would be a qualified choice based on his background. And it is ridiculous for anyone in compliance to nix his entire resume based on an assumed perception or conflict.

In any case, Moser has been on point with every decision so far and I have no doubt he will get someone that we will look back on and not think twice about McCoy. I only hope it is all his decision, not just compliance.