Faith 7 Basketball Game

Is there any kind of writeup or link to the stats? How many points do you think Doolittle had?
6-6 from the floor (took the least number of shots on the squad). I believe he had 4 assists as well.

That makes his double-double performance even better. I can't wait to see what he can do at the next level!
For those that went, would you say Doolittle looked taller, shorter or equal in height to Buford. Just curious how those two shake out as potential small ball 4's
I thought David Godbold was 6'4" so Doolittle is only 2-3 inches taller.

I'm not sure Godbold was truly 6'4" and rumors are that Doolitte may be a legit 6'8". Just don't see the comparison.
For those that went, would you say Doolittle looked taller, shorter or equal in height to Buford. Just curious how those two shake out as potential small ball 4's

I'd say he's legitimately an inch taller, maybe a little more.
Goldbold was a guard.

KD- 4 man small 5 man with the "death lineup"
Hopefully, some one will post a few pictures of the newcomers soon.