Not from Facebook. But to be honest, i've seen a few doctors on Facebook copy and paste articles and graphs from others. I have a good friend who's a doctor that seemingly grabs whatever article he can find to back his narrative that anyone who says the US should open up anything any time soon is a moron, and he seems irritated that non doctors have any opinion at all... He is the expert! Yet, when I ask him to delve with any depth, disprove/debunk, or argue anything that i've set in front of him(articles, etc) medically or scientifically, he can't do it and seems to get frustrated. And that's what is frustrating alot of people right now. It seems like alot of doctors are following the herd(pun not intended) and aren't thinking for themselves, or are following some weird directive. It seems to be really split in many cases along political lines. Many of these shut down "experts" seem to get really irritated and frustrated, even mad when questioned on their opinion. That's what has many normal, common sense every day Americans with their antennas up. Just because you didn't go to medical school doesn't mean you can't have an intelligent opinion about something and can't detect bull****.
I think people dying from this is horrible. Anyone dying from anything is horrible. But there's alot surrounding alot of this that really stinks and if you can't see it you really have your head buried in the sand. It's really brought out the worst in alot of people, which is sad. I pray for our country..