March Madness and Covid-19

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I saw this on Facebook so take it for what it's worth. The person making the post said that Stitt said anyone in Oklahoma who wants to be tested can be because Oklahoma has plenty of test kits.

1). Did Stitt say this?

2). Is it true?
Yeah, anecdotally the physicians here have found high D-dimer, which is a sign of clotting, in Covid-19 patients and have started ordering them routinely for all PUIs.

I asked earlier Steve how many patients has your VA treated with Covid?
Oklahoma numbers indicate close to 66% of all known cases have recovered (much higher than the national numbers for some reason).
I saw this on Facebook so take it for what it's worth. The person making the post said that Stitt said anyone in Oklahoma who wants to be tested can be because Oklahoma has plenty of test kits.

1). Did Stitt say this?

2). Is it true?

I just did a Google search and I can't find that comment anywhere. You would think it would be big news if he did say it,
It doesn't say anything about it on the OSDH website, so it may be wishful thinking, but I can't say for sure.

I asked earlier Steve how many patients has your VA treated with Covid?

I don't know the exact number off the top of my head, we are a very small hospital, and they've actually seen more patients with Covid-19 at the Tulsa clinic, which is affiliated with us, we also have 4 other clinics around the state so all their positives are lumped in with ours too. I can tell you that most of them are sent home to quarantine and followed-up with by telephone. We have had 2 patients die, one was transferred to a private facility after testing positive. We have a wing upstairs with PUIs (patients under investigation for possible Covid-19). They say the peak here is supposed to be around May 1st, we will see. I don't want to get too specific on a public message board so I'm not going to tell you how many we currently have in-house.
Steve said- "I don't know the exact number off the top of my head, we are a very small hospital, and they've actually seen more patients with Covid-19 at the Tulsa clinic, which is affiliated with us, we also have 4 other clinics around the state so all their positives are lumped in with ours too. I can tell you that most of them are sent home to quarantine and followed-up with by telephone. We have had 2 patients die, one was transferred to a private facility after testing positive. We have a wing upstairs with PUIs (patients under investigation for possible Covid-19). They say the peak here is supposed to be around May 1st, we will see. I don't want to get too specific on a public message board so I'm not going to tell you how many we currently have in-house."

Thanks for the response.

We have only had 1 in our hospital and couple who were sent home from the ER and their tests were positive. In OKC it seems that Integris Baptist has by far had the most cases in the hospital.
Doctors are learning about this on the fly. This is a once-in-a-lifetime situation (I hope).

By the way, Fauci says we need to double our testing capacity before we open up businesses. I saw an expert interviewed this morning who says every worker that comes in close contact with the public (grocery workers, hair dressers, barbers, fitness center workers, etc.) needs to be tested and have testing available to them if/when they have symptoms. I work in a hospital and I haven't been able to be tested although every chance I get I ask to have our entire staff tested.

isn't this a little TOO late?
Just saw this on the local news. I thought I would give a snapshot of the DFW metroplex. The population of DFW is over 6 million people. It is comprised of four counties (I've listed a few cities in parenthesis):
  • Dallas (Dallas, Irving, Grand Prairie)
  • Tarrant (Ft Worth, Arlington, HEB Mid Cities)
  • Collin (Plano, Allen, Frisco, McKinney)
  • Denton (Denton, Flower Mound, Grapevine, Highland Village)

The total deaths (sum of all four counties) from Covid as of tonight is 174....yes 174 deaths spread out over 6 million people. And there are still people here who are adamantly against slightly opening back up.....I don't have the words.
Just saw this on the local news. I thought I would give a snapshot of the DFW metroplex. The population of DFW is over 6 million people. It is comprised of four counties (I've listed a few cities in parenthesis):
  • Dallas (Dallas, Irving, Grand Prairie)
  • Tarrant (Ft Worth, Arlington, HEB Mid Cities)
  • Collin (Plano, Allen, Frisco, McKinney)
  • Denton (Denton, Flower Mound, Grapevine, Highland Village)

The total deaths (sum of all four counties) from Covid as of tonight is 174....yes 174 deaths spread out over 6 million people. And there are still people here who are adamantly against slightly opening back up.....I don't have the words.

The purpose of shutting things down was to slow the spread of Covid-19 so the medical facilities wouldn't be overwhelmed. The number of cases would seem to be more relevant than the number of deaths.

Number of Cases by County:
Dallas: 3,014
Tarrant: 1,947
Collin: 663
Denton: 713
The purpose of shutting things down was to slow the spread of Covid-19 so the medical facilities wouldn't be overwhelmed. The number of cases would seem to be more relevant than the number of deaths.

Number of Cases by County:
Dallas: 3,014
Tarrant: 1,947
Collin: 663
Denton: 713

My point was that over the last two months (being a resident in DFW) that your likelihood of dying from Covid was .0029%.

And medical facilities never came close to being overwhelmed here. I work for a company that is an essential business and works directly with acute care hospitals as well as long term care facilities. Most of the hospitals here were casualties of the "modeling" errors and reactionary policy, which adversely affected them from an operational and financial standpoint....leading to cutbacks. But the good news is that most hospitals here have now accepted that these former measures were extreme (but maybe didn't seem so at the time) and have begun to incrementally get back to normalized operations and activities.

Fortunately for us, we have strong leadership at the state level....thank God. They recognize the science/stats as well as the need to balance public health with economic propagation.
Seems like the kinda thing that gets shared on Facebook. I couldn't get myself to read much of it.

Not from Facebook. But to be honest, i've seen a few doctors on Facebook copy and paste articles and graphs from others. I have a good friend who's a doctor that seemingly grabs whatever article he can find to back his narrative that anyone who says the US should open up anything any time soon is a moron, and he seems irritated that non doctors have any opinion at all... He is the expert! Yet, when I ask him to delve with any depth, disprove/debunk, or argue anything that i've set in front of him(articles, etc) medically or scientifically, he can't do it and seems to get frustrated. And that's what is frustrating alot of people right now. It seems like alot of doctors are following the herd(pun not intended) and aren't thinking for themselves, or are following some weird directive. It seems to be really split in many cases along political lines. Many of these shut down "experts" seem to get really irritated and frustrated, even mad when questioned on their opinion. That's what has many normal, common sense every day Americans with their antennas up. Just because you didn't go to medical school doesn't mean you can't have an intelligent opinion about something and can't detect bull****.

I think people dying from this is horrible. Anyone dying from anything is horrible. But there's alot surrounding alot of this that really stinks and if you can't see it you really have your head buried in the sand. It's really brought out the worst in alot of people, which is sad. I pray for our country..
My point was that over the last two months (being a resident in DFW) that your likelihood of dying from Covid was .0029%.

And medical facilities never came close to being overwhelmed here. I work for a company that is an essential business and works directly with acute care hospitals as well as long term care facilities. Most of the hospitals here were casualties of the "modeling" errors and reactionary policy, which adversely affected them from an operational and financial standpoint....leading to cutbacks. But the good news is that most hospitals here have now accepted that these former measures were extreme (but maybe didn't seem so at the time) and have begun to incrementally get back to normalized operations and activities.

Fortunately for us, we have strong leadership at the state level....thank God. They recognize the science/stats as well as the need to balance public health with economic propagation.

Hopefully, the strong leadership excludes the dingbat Lt. Gov who thinks those over 65 should be happy to sacrifice themselves for the sake of the economy.
Hopefully, the strong leadership excludes the dingbat Lt. Gov who thinks those over 65 should be happy to sacrifice themselves for the sake of the economy.

Is that what he thinks? Or does he think those over 65 should be the ones taking extreme precautions to protect themselves, and not have that mandated over the rest of the population?
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