I haven’t been here much because I worked my ass off all week on Covid-19 related things. I see the numbers going up all over the country. Yesterday we had a 9/11 of Covid-19 deaths, about 3,000. And I still see people saying stupid sh!t comparing it to the flu or that the numbers aren’t correct. Well actually the numbers aren’t correct, the number of deaths from this are likely far higher than has been counted so far. You look at states like Iowa and Georgia, and you can see that the virus is on the move. We have had a small taste of it so far in Oklahoma but our number of cases is still on the rise. I don’t understand why people can’t even be bothered to wear a mask in public or social distance. Is that too much to ask? I am predicting a second wave, exactly like the 1918 pandemic. The differences between the two pandemics are that the Spanish flu in 1918 was not as deadly as Covid-19 but their medical care was not as advanced as ours is so it somewhat evens out.
Oh and here’s a good article about why you can’t really compare Covid-19 deaths to flu deaths, although stupid people keep doing it. If it seems like I’m frustrated it’s because I am. We have to be the least disciplined society in history.