tell you what - bring that into court and let's see how the judge rules. guaranteed I win.
That's all made up in your head.
tell you what - bring that into court and let's see how the judge rules. guaranteed I win.
That's all made up in your head.
It's interesting I guess to think about. But I'd never ponder that murder is an ok option.
I have been thinking and praying a lot about this lately and my own prejudices.
What I have found is that the things that turn me off to the protests are when they aren't founded in truth. Yes I believe there is a racial biased. But if any facts are brought up showing another side of the argument, I'm a racist. If I point out that studies show that black cops are more likely to kill blacks, I'm racist. And I know people don't like to hear it, but a lot of the black people being used as martyrs for the cause were not innocent. If it is a white cop and a black person, it is automatically racism. But that isn't reality. I understand why they jump to those conclusions. But my mind can't think like that. I like to find the truth. I hate believing in things off emotions because emotions are deceptive.
I pray for justice, peace, and truth to shine
Very good point. Perhaps family and education would be a starting point.
based on what? do you know the guy? are you psychic? this is your guess. your speculation. he also has actions that suggest otherwise. you have a bias and it's affecting how you see it. same as all humans. but you need to respect the fact that your guess is solely a product of your head.
tell you what - bring that into court and let's see how the judge rules. guaranteed I win.
Nobody is trying a case. Good grief. It's a message board.
yet more name calling. why am I not surprised.
I genuinely think you bait people into criticizing you just so you can play the victim. You love that role, but it's not a flattering look.
I genuinely think you bait people into criticizing you just so you can play the victim. You love that role, but it's not a flattering look.
As a society, I think this is one of the main issues. Everybody needs something to be outraged over. Everybody wants to be a marytr and victim
you do understand that applies to both sides of the wheel right?
I have a feeling nearly every regular on this board will agree that this thread has deteriorated to a useless, senseless diatribe of everything wrong with our country right now.
I’m moving it to the off-topic (Campus Corner) forum. If Boulder wants to move it back, that’s his decision. But, this is a basketball board, always has been and always will be if I have anything to do with it.
Political posts and posts about the Covid-19 Virus should be made on the off-topic forum from this point forward. Start a new thread on these topics on this board and it will be deleted.
Time to get back to talking about basketball! I can’t wait!!!
Decisive blow against the notion that pre-existing medical conditions and intoxication played no role in his death.
Family can be a positive or a negative. Children aren't born racist. Most people learn it from their family. From the outside, the family can appear to be the ideal unit: 2 kids, Mom stays at home, Dad is a deacon in the church etc, etc. But behind closed doors, when they let their guard down, they are something else. I remeber a conversation I had with my ex's uncle in the early 1970s. Some comment was made about a TV show that had a black star and he said "You don't really think blacks are inherently as smart as white people, do you?" I replied that I thought if black children were given the same advantages as white children, they could do just as well in school but that poverty and lack of support from family hindered them greatly. He looked at me as if I had grown an extra head. This is a man who served in WWII, got a college degree and a 'professional' job. He is the father-in-law of Rob Glass, the OSU S&C coach. He's still active at 96 - he looks much younger - and you never hear him make remarks like that any more. But it really surprised me at the time.
You have 2 MEs saying 2 different causes of death. Both still agreed on homocide. The role in his death was being kneed in the neck for 9 minutes.