March Madness and Covid-19

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Aren’t you the one also crying about personal attacks?

"oh look ... he responded with an attack of his own making him just as bad!"

you do understand that such a claim requires an admission on your part, right? are you ready to make that admission?
"oh look ... he responded with an attack of his own making him just as bad!"

you do understand that such a claim requires an admission on your part, right? are you ready to make that admission?

I’m just not sure there is another poster out there that complains more about being attacked and then pops into a thread with a random attack of their own
I’m just not sure there is another poster out there that complains more about being attacked and then pops into a thread with a random attack of their own

other than pointing out your gross ignorance about the topics at hand my points stick to the topics. yours otoh relate to my personal habits or my family or my profession or something completely unrelated to the topic. but I guess that's just part and parcel of being so ignorant. you just can't help it can you?
There it is...blame Bush!

Trump has the most roadblocks of any president in history response to the article????

President Obama had filibuster proof control of the senate for a total of four months. For six of the eight years of his two terms, the gop controlled the house. response to the article????

President Obama had filibuster proof control of the senate for a total of four months. For six of the eight years of his two terms, the gop controlled the house.

That is almost always the case. Rarely does one party have total control for an extended length of time. And even then there are barriers.

That said, I don't remember it being on Obama's agenda (or anybody's) to turn the prison system from private to government directed. That isn't going to happen.
other than pointing out your gross ignorance about the topics at hand my points stick to the topics. yours otoh relate to my personal habits or my family or my profession or something completely unrelated to the topic. but I guess that's just part and parcel of being so ignorant. you just can't help it can you?

I could go and pull just about every one of your comments the last week but I'll just stick with your latest

"you just become more and more of a punk with every little comment"

This is sticking to the topic eh? response to the article????

President Obama had filibuster proof control of the senate for a total of four months. For six of the eight years of his two terms, the gop controlled the house.

I skimmed it this morning. Looks like a lot of excuses to me. The same excuses you would ridicule if Trump used them or Bush used them.

I don't remember how many times during Obama's presidency I heard "It is Bushes fault. Obama has to spend all his time undoing what Bush does"
It is a common theme no matter which side is in office. It is excuses. The two sides don't want to work together and the POTUS usually has no plans to get done anything he promised to do or that he complains about that he can't do.
I could go and pull just about every one of your comments the last week but I'll just stick with your latest

"you just become more and more of a punk with every little comment"

This is sticking to the topic eh?

then stop poking.
message boards might not be for you if you can't take getting poked

then stop saying stupid things and I wont have to interject. I try to go as long as I can until you guys say such stupid things that I am forced to respond.
Daily #COVID19 update via the Oklahoma State Department of Heath:

- 10,733 cases (+218)
- 369 deaths (+0)
- 197 Hospitalizations (as of 6/19)
- 4% positive rate (as of 6/19)
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