March Madness and Covid-19

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Trump has handled it way worse than Cuomo and way worse than any other leader except maybe Bolsonaro in Brazil who has now tested positive for the virus for a second time, amazingly.

You’re wrong and you refuse to believe anything except “trump bad” and blame him for everything. It’s the Path of least resistance and it’s lazy and false.
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You’re wrong and you refuse to believe anything except “trump bad” and blame him for everything. It’s the Path of least resistance and it’s lazy and false.

Awwww why would I blame the leader of a country who does nothing but rage-tweet all day and watch Fox News in the middle if a devastating pandemic? It’s not Dear Leader’s fault! It can’t be!
You’re wrong and you refuse to believe anything except “trump bad” and blame him for everything. It’s the Path of least resistance and it’s lazy and false.

By the way, you should be nice to me, I’ve been promised a spot on the Oklahoma Obamacare death panel when Biden takes office and becomes president of the Marxo-Socialist States of Guevara, and we believe in abortion up to the 10,000th month.
And please don't say mandatory masks from the beginning. Nobody was asking for that...even your hero Fauci. He was saying the opposite.


You need to stop saying this because it is a lie. I expect better from you. You've been shown it is a lie and you keep spreading it.
Trump has handled it way worse than Cuomo and way worse than any other leader except maybe Bolsonaro in Brazil who has now tested positive for the virus for a second time, amazingly.

Is this even in question? I think the news cycle is so fast these days that it's hard for people to remember how incompetent Trump has been on this.

The good news for you is, I am here to remind you.

Can this be described as anything other than ignorance, incompetence, misleading, and not truthful?

April 24th
"I think by Memorial Day weekend, we will largely have this Coronavirus epidemic behind us"- Mike Pence

March 2nd
"The threat of coronavirus to Americans remains low" - Mike Pence

June 26th
"We have slowed the spread, we have flattened the curve"- Mike Pence

January 22nd
"We have it totally under control. It's going to be just fine" - Donald Trump

February 2nd
"We pretty much shut it down"- Donald Trump

February 11th
"Looks like by April, when it gets a little warmer, it miraculously goes away. But we're doing great in our country"

February 11th
"In our country, we only have have basically 12 cases" - Donald Trump

February 24th
"It's very much under control in the USA. Stock market looking great to me!" - Donald Trump

February 26th
"When you have 15 people, and with the 15 in a few days is going to be close to zero, that's a pretty good job we've done" - Donald Trump

March 5th
"The swine flu of 2009, where nearly 13,000 people died, was very poorly handled" - Donald Trump

March 11th
"The risk is very very low" - Donald Trump

March 23rd
"America will again, and soon, be open for business — very soon — a lot sooner than three or four months that somebody was suggesting."- Donald Trump

March 24th
“Easter is a very special day for me. And I see it sort of in that timeline that I’m thinking about. And I say, wouldn’t it be great to have all of the churches full?”- Donald Trump

April 3rd
“It’s going to be, really, a voluntary thing. You can do it. You don’t have to do it. I’m choosing not to do it, but some people may want to do it, and that’s OK." - Donald Trump (on wearing a mask)

April 8th
"We are flattening the curve!"- Donald Trump

April 16th
"I call it a beautiful puzzle. You have 50 pieces, all very different, but when it’s all done, it’s a mosaic. When it’s all done, it’s going to be, I think, a very beautiful picture.” - Donald Trump (on not having a federal plan)

April 14th
"Everything we did was right." - Donald Trump

I guess I will stop there...
Is this even in question? I think the news cycle is so fast these days that it's hard for people to remember how incompetent Trump has been on this.

The good news for you is, I am here to remind you.

Can this be described as anything other than ignorance, incompetence, misleading, and not truthful?

April 24th
"I think by Memorial Day weekend, we will largely have this Coronavirus epidemic behind us"- Mike Pence

March 2nd
"The threat of coronavirus to Americans remains low" - Mike Pence

June 26th
"We have slowed the spread, we have flattened the curve"- Mike Pence

January 22nd
"We have it totally under control. It's going to be just fine" - Donald Trump

February 2nd
"We pretty much shut it down"- Donald Trump

February 11th
"Looks like by April, when it gets a little warmer, it miraculously goes away. But we're doing great in our country"

February 11th
"In our country, we only have have basically 12 cases" - Donald Trump

February 24th
"It's very much under control in the USA. Stock market looking great to me!" - Donald Trump

February 26th
"When you have 15 people, and with the 15 in a few days is going to be close to zero, that's a pretty good job we've done" - Donald Trump

March 5th
"The swine flu of 2009, where nearly 13,000 people died, was very poorly handled" - Donald Trump

March 11th
"The risk is very very low" - Donald Trump

March 23rd
"America will again, and soon, be open for business — very soon — a lot sooner than three or four months that somebody was suggesting."- Donald Trump

March 24th
“Easter is a very special day for me. And I see it sort of in that timeline that I’m thinking about. And I say, wouldn’t it be great to have all of the churches full?”- Donald Trump

April 3rd
“It’s going to be, really, a voluntary thing. You can do it. You don’t have to do it. I’m choosing not to do it, but some people may want to do it, and that’s OK." - Donald Trump (on wearing a mask)

April 8th
"We are flattening the curve!"- Donald Trump

April 16th
"I call it a beautiful puzzle. You have 50 pieces, all very different, but when it’s all done, it’s a mosaic. When it’s all done, it’s going to be, I think, a very beautiful picture.” - Donald Trump (on not having a federal plan)

April 14th
"Everything we did was right." - Donald Trump

I guess I will stop there...

Combine those quotes with what me know about what he was told and when... and you get a real picture of what kind of a failure this was.
You need to stop saying this because it is a lie. I expect better from you. You've been shown it is a lie and you keep spreading it.

I've shown it isn't a lie. I'm not goign to get back into it though. The quotes from Fauci are out there. In March, he and many others, said that we didn't need to wear masks.

After the fact he claims he said that because of the shortage and because he had limited knowledge of asympomatic carries being able to spread it. He admits he made the statements that the only people that need to wear masks are those that were clearly sick.

I am not faulting Fauci for having this stance. It is logical when a novel virus is out there. We didn't have the info or the supplies.

The point is that why do we now expect Trump to make calls going against Fauci and others? Do you not see how ridiculous this is?
Is this even in question? I think the news cycle is so fast these days that it's hard for people to remember how incompetent Trump has been on this.

The good news for you is, I am here to remind you.

Can this be described as anything other than ignorance, incompetence, misleading, and not truthful?

April 24th
"I think by Memorial Day weekend, we will largely have this Coronavirus epidemic behind us"- Mike Pence

March 2nd
"The threat of coronavirus to Americans remains low" - Mike Pence

June 26th
"We have slowed the spread, we have flattened the curve"- Mike Pence

January 22nd
"We have it totally under control. It's going to be just fine" - Donald Trump

February 2nd
"We pretty much shut it down"- Donald Trump

February 11th
"Looks like by April, when it gets a little warmer, it miraculously goes away. But we're doing great in our country"

February 11th
"In our country, we only have have basically 12 cases" - Donald Trump

February 24th
"It's very much under control in the USA. Stock market looking great to me!" - Donald Trump

February 26th
"When you have 15 people, and with the 15 in a few days is going to be close to zero, that's a pretty good job we've done" - Donald Trump

March 5th
"The swine flu of 2009, where nearly 13,000 people died, was very poorly handled" - Donald Trump

March 11th
"The risk is very very low" - Donald Trump

March 23rd
"America will again, and soon, be open for business — very soon — a lot sooner than three or four months that somebody was suggesting."- Donald Trump

March 24th
“Easter is a very special day for me. And I see it sort of in that timeline that I’m thinking about. And I say, wouldn’t it be great to have all of the churches full?”- Donald Trump

April 3rd
“It’s going to be, really, a voluntary thing. You can do it. You don’t have to do it. I’m choosing not to do it, but some people may want to do it, and that’s OK." - Donald Trump (on wearing a mask)

April 8th
"We are flattening the curve!"- Donald Trump

April 16th
"I call it a beautiful puzzle. You have 50 pieces, all very different, but when it’s all done, it’s a mosaic. When it’s all done, it’s going to be, I think, a very beautiful picture.” - Donald Trump (on not having a federal plan)

April 14th
"Everything we did was right." - Donald Trump

I guess I will stop there...

You know, I could go and show you quotes from Fauci and others that say this exact same thing.

But I'm not going to waste my breath

Try to be objective abd
Is this even in question? I think the news cycle is so fast these days that it's hard for people to remember how incompetent Trump has been on this.

The good news for you is, I am here to remind you.

Can this be described as anything other than ignorance, incompetence, misleading, and not truthful?

April 24th
"I think by Memorial Day weekend, we will largely have this Coronavirus epidemic behind us"- Mike Pence

March 2nd
"The threat of coronavirus to Americans remains low" - Mike Pence

June 26th
"We have slowed the spread, we have flattened the curve"- Mike Pence

January 22nd
"We have it totally under control. It's going to be just fine" - Donald Trump

February 2nd
"We pretty much shut it down"- Donald Trump

February 11th
"Looks like by April, when it gets a little warmer, it miraculously goes away. But we're doing great in our country"

February 11th
"In our country, we only have have basically 12 cases" - Donald Trump

February 24th
"It's very much under control in the USA. Stock market looking great to me!" - Donald Trump

February 26th
"When you have 15 people, and with the 15 in a few days is going to be close to zero, that's a pretty good job we've done" - Donald Trump

March 5th
"The swine flu of 2009, where nearly 13,000 people died, was very poorly handled" - Donald Trump

March 11th
"The risk is very very low" - Donald Trump

March 23rd
"America will again, and soon, be open for business — very soon — a lot sooner than three or four months that somebody was suggesting."- Donald Trump

March 24th
“Easter is a very special day for me. And I see it sort of in that timeline that I’m thinking about. And I say, wouldn’t it be great to have all of the churches full?”- Donald Trump

April 3rd
“It’s going to be, really, a voluntary thing. You can do it. You don’t have to do it. I’m choosing not to do it, but some people may want to do it, and that’s OK." - Donald Trump (on wearing a mask)

April 8th
"We are flattening the curve!"- Donald Trump

April 16th
"I call it a beautiful puzzle. You have 50 pieces, all very different, but when it’s all done, it’s a mosaic. When it’s all done, it’s going to be, I think, a very beautiful picture.” - Donald Trump (on not having a federal plan)

April 14th
"Everything we did was right." - Donald Trump

I guess I will stop there...

You must have kept your parents up nights with your Christmas wish list. "Gordon does our son have another list in his hand, yes Christine break out the Foldgers, and we're going to need another file cabinet."
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Let's look at the data shall we. I have the spreadsheet if anyone is interested

New York and New Jersey account for 35% of all US deaths.
Democratic states (governors) account for 71% of the deaths.
8 of the top 10 highest death per capita are Democrat stats (with the 2 being Massachusetts and Maryland)
New York and New Jersey both have had .18% of their population die while FLorida has had .02%

I could go on

The republican governors seem to be the only ones getting heat for their responses.
These numbers will likely change and even out and I think it is logical that democratic states will be higher due to larger cities are liberal. But the desparity in the coverage between states is mind blowing.
ABD, please go look objectively at the US covid cases graph and tell me that we did not flatten the curve when those statements were made. If you come back and say we didn't, this is a lost cause and the thread should be locked because there is no point in discussing with people that can't look at a simple graph and be honest.

My guess is you will respond that it didn't stay flat...which in itself is an admission that it was flat (and declining).

You can't take comment from late April and apply them to June/July and say they are dumb statements. They were true when spoken.

And again, the goal was to flatten the curve. It was our national motto for a couple months.

If you want to criticize how we reopened fine, but we did flatten the curve.
I've shown it isn't a lie. I'm not goign to get back into it though. The quotes from Fauci are out there. In March, he and many others, said that we didn't need to wear masks.

After the fact he claims he said that because of the shortage and because he had limited knowledge of asympomatic carries being able to spread it. He admits he made the statements that the only people that need to wear masks are those that were clearly sick.

I am not faulting Fauci for having this stance. It is logical when a novel virus is out there. We didn't have the info or the supplies.

The point is that why do we now expect Trump to make calls going against Fauci and others? Do you not see how ridiculous this is?

no you have not shown that. quit lying. he said that very night that the intent was to make all masks available for first responder use THEN elsewhere. I sat glued to the TV and watched every damn news conference he did. you're taking things out of context and warping it to meet your argument and it's deceptive. stop it.
no you have not shown that. quit lying. he said that very night that the intent was to make all masks available for first responder use THEN elsewhere. I sat glued to the TV and watched every damn news conference he did. you're taking things out of context and warping it to meet your argument and it's deceptive. stop it.

nope. all you have to do is google "fauci mask statements". They are all there man. Even more recent statements about not regretting the things he said earlier that were wrong.
New analysis for you

Republican states: 266 deaths/1M people
Democrat states: 551 death/1M people

and remember, population density has little to do with it!
New analysis for you

Republican states: 266 deaths/1M people
Democrat states: 551 death/1M people

and remember, population density has little to do with it!

To compare the early days of this in New York, New Jersey, Washington and other hot spots to what is happening now is just dishonest and disingenuous.
nope. all you have to do is google "fauci mask statements". They are all there man. Even more recent statements about not regretting the things he said earlier that were wrong.

nope is right. you are 100% wrong and yet you persist in this little delusion. he spent 2 days talking about doing everything to make sure the first responders and hospitals had the necessary PPE's and the focus on masks going there first. you're wrong.
nope is right. you are 100% wrong and yet you persist in this little delusion. he spent 2 days talking about doing everything to make sure the first responders and hospitals had the necessary PPE's and the focus on masks going there first. you're wrong.

Delusion is grand.
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