lol, some people just refuse to be critical of the program. We saw it with Billy, Kelvin, and Capel, and now with Lon. They will literally ride that bull until it bucks them. Insane, really.
Kruger is literally at .500 in conference during his time at OU. And that is with a FF team, and teams lead by Buddy and Young. That is a lower conference winning percentage than any coach not named Capel since the mid to late 60's. His overall winning percentage is TWO percent higher than Capel, and significantly behind both Tubbs and Sampson.
I've been VERY clear what my expectations are. Top 4 of the conference. Top 25-30 team most of the year. Eight seed or better in the Dance.
And generally, just a feeling of having a complete team and roster, that improves as the season goes on, and plays consistently tough basketball. I know this part is harder to measure, but I don't think we've had this many years under LK. The constant rebuilding of the roster. Too many failed recruits that we're being counted on. Transfers out. Transfers in. IMO, mediocre recruiting at best. It just isn't enough.
Put another way, the supporters keep pointing to making the Dance. But I feel like it's taken everything this team has had to do that much of the past 3-4 years. We missed 4 years ago with one of the worst seasons in OU history. We snuck in (1-2 game cushion, max) the last two years. This year would have been a little more comfortable, but it took some crazy results down the finish and we were still looking at an 8/9 seed. Some of you look at the end result, but the fact is, we got in the last two years because the bubble was soft and college basketball was down. Those OU teams don't get in, with those results, 10 years ago. I think we're one of less than 5 teams to ever get in with a conference record of 4 games under .500. That is unacceptable.