>>>>>>>OU-Kansas State Game Thread<<<<<<<

Re: >>>>>>>OU-Kansas State Game Thread<<<<<<<

I ask the question, would this happen to KU?
Re: >>>>>>>OU-Kansas State Game Thread<<<<<<<

We should be getting blown of this one the way it's been officiated.
Re: >>>>>>>OU-Kansas State Game Thread<<<<<<<

I have never seen a more horrendously officiated game -- and biased -- in my life.

We don't have any chance to win.
Re: >>>>>>>OU-Kansas State Game Thread<<<<<<<

Several of my friends have quit watching college b-ball because it's boring and they think it's fixed. This game is not going to convince them otherwise.
Re: >>>>>>>OU-Kansas State Game Thread<<<<<<<

They are getting too many two foot shots.
Re: >>>>>>>OU-Kansas State Game Thread<<<<<<<

This does not look good. Either we're going to have to bank in a lot more 3s or LK needs to remind the refs this is not Allen FH.
Re: >>>>>>>OU-Kansas State Game Thread<<<<<<<

I'm Surprised Lon hadn't got tee'd up yet because I would've!! This is brutal officiating!!!!
Re: >>>>>>>OU-Kansas State Game Thread<<<<<<<

I have never seen a bank three from that angle.
Re: >>>>>>>OU-Kansas State Game Thread<<<<<<<

SO WHY WILL THEY NOT REVIEW the 3 pointer that was shot AFTER the clock expired? We should be down 1 point not 4. TERRIBLE REFS
Re: >>>>>>>OU-Kansas State Game Thread<<<<<<<

I still don't think officiating will be the reason for this performance. Our bad half court offense is reason number 1. But the officiating in this game hasn't helped. How we are only down 3 is amazing.
Re: >>>>>>>OU-Kansas State Game Thread<<<<<<<

Why are their so many fouls called and a huge disparity in foul shots?
Re: >>>>>>>OU-Kansas State Game Thread<<<<<<<

The only way we win is if Buddy and Ta take over.....because they are going to call a f...ing foul on us every damn time. This sucks.
Re: >>>>>>>OU-Kansas State Game Thread<<<<<<<

Love that the refs want to review Buddy's 3, but didnt notice the KState 3 that was shot after the clock expired.
Re: >>>>>>>OU-Kansas State Game Thread<<<<<<<

I usually don't say this but if we lose this one it IS the refs
Re: >>>>>>>OU-Kansas State Game Thread<<<<<<<

I'm sick of people *****ing about the refs. We suck tonight. Why aren't we ever posting up Thomas. Why can't we hit wide open 3s? Why does Booker shoot every ****ing time he touches it? Where is Cousins?
Re: >>>>>>>OU-Kansas State Game Thread<<<<<<<

30 free throws to 9. One of our best players fouls out while being fouled himself. No, refs are not the problem. It's on our team because we haven't overcome playing 8 on 5.
Re: >>>>>>>OU-Kansas State Game Thread<<<<<<<

I usually don't say this but if we lose this one it IS the refs
Bad offense in the half court is number 1 reason. KSU is doing a good job just going to the rim too. Our guards aren't doing anything to keep them from doing that.