OU @ KU 8pm CST on ESPN2

I have the exact same question! Makes me wonder if the T was actually because he said something after?

Also, do technical fouls not count in the overall foul count for the half? Because espn didn’t count it.

they finally called the foul

they have been doing that with 2 hands every trip

and shut up fran
Jacob and Tanner are slow so they constantly bump people with their hip. That’s why they get called for so many fouls
Every shot = foul. Giddy absolutely giddy to call that one on godwin
I have the exact same question! Makes me wonder if the T was actually because he said something after?

Also, do technical fouls not count in the overall foul count for the half? Because espn didn’t count it.

Yeah, I thought it's because he said something but talking heads pointed out the pushoff.
They said he pushed off to get open but they never said it got called. The T was for something he said.
2 fouls in a row and self gets a T because he didn't get every call .. lol
T on self. Seen this many times. Oh no. Calls are a coming.