OU vs. Texas Tortilla Throwers

I don't know if I agree with all of this praising on Simpson. I really don't. I've seen plenty of times where she almost walks back up the court and she's only 6 ft tall people. She's not a 6'9" Mulkey, who could probably beat her up and down the court by the way. Is that hustle? Or is she really just that unathletic and SC thinks she is? That's my problem with her. I don't see her going 110% every single play like everyone praising her on here posting says. I see her being pretty lackadaisical and acting like she's carrying such a huge load when in reality she's only an inch taller than most guards are!
Sherri's post game comments were about the same as all year. Seems like they would change be game 30. We are young and some age more quickly than others so we have players who may not "age" until they are seniors or never. Could not handle their height seems like we have heard that before and who's fault is that? They need to trust the process sound familiar. Seems like she is coaching by osmosis and what she thinks they should do. She has said this before. Basically the players fault for not aging faster, has nothing to do with coaching they should know what the coaches want them to do and do it! I think she has been coaching to long!!

She did mention youth but one nugget of hope I got out of it was that she said several times they have to go out and get height in the offseason. At least she admitted it.
Well, she better go the JC ranks then because I don’t know of a big she’s in on at this time that we don’t know isn’t already coming.

She needs a stellar point guard too.

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Sherri's post game comments were about the same as all year. Seems like they would change be game 30. We are young and some age more quickly than others so we have players who may not "age" until they are seniors or never. Could not handle their height seems like we have heard that before and who's fault is that? They need to trust the process sound familiar. Seems like she is coaching by osmosis and what she thinks they should do. She has said this before. Basically the players fault for not aging faster, has nothing to do with coaching they should know what the coaches want them to do and do it! I think she has been coaching to long!!

I’ve heard that same crap at the end of the season for the last decade. I’m sick of it.

My guess is you are on the scaffold with the noose around your neck Sherri.

Keep saying and doing the same stuff you’ve been doing and there will be a line to be the person to give you the proverbial push.

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