Way too Early Andy Katz

I can see that. I think most people simply look at our team as the same as this year, Less the best player (Doolittle) and automatically assume we will be worse. You can't discount the variable of players developing and getting better. What if both JB and Reaves shooting % from the 3 pt line come in closer to what they shot 2 seasons ago (both were 40%+)?? Harmon will certainly get better, as will all the other freshmen.

I think Manek and Reaves have a chance to average 18+ points/game. Not many teams will have 2 guys that can score like that...that duo can be VERY formidable.
I can see that. I think most people simply look at our team as the same as this year, Less the best player (Doolittle) and automatically assume we will be worse. You can't discount the variable of players developing and getting better. What if both JB and Reaves shooting % from the 3 pt line come in closer to what they shot 2 seasons ago (both were 40%+)?? Harmon will certainly get better, as will all the other freshmen.

I think Manek and Reaves have a chance to average 18+ points/game. Not many teams will have 2 guys that can score like that...that duo can be VERY formidable.

I anticipate it being a lot like this year. Up and down. You are right, if the right guys get hot on offense, there are a lot of teams we can beat. But I expect a lot of cold nights too, as Manek and Reaves are both streaky. Some of the freshmen might get better, but some might regress too. It happens. I hope Williams makes the leap that some JUCO's make.

I think record-wise it'll probably look similar to this year. We'll fall in the conference standings though.
Spot on analysis, WT! That may change if we add a scoring guard/wing grad transfer to our roster.

But I haven’t seen or read anything to suggest that OU leads on a grad transfer with impressive credentials right now. That’s what happens when most of your players will be back, and the only recruit may not be a factor his freshman season. We just have to hope our returning players have improved enough to offset or exceed the loss of Doolittle.
Jalen Hill is going to break out. Really liked what he brought to the floor. He can replace doolittle’s rebounding and defense. Just needs to find some reliable offense.
I anticipate it being a lot like this year. Up and down. You are right, if the right guys get hot on offense, there are a lot of teams we can beat. But I expect a lot of cold nights too, as Manek and Reaves are both streaky. Some of the freshmen might get better, but some might regress too. It happens. I hope Williams makes the leap that some JUCO's make.

I think record-wise it'll probably look similar to this year. We'll fall in the conference standings though.

I can see that. I think most people simply look at our team as the same as this year, Less the best player (Doolittle) and automatically assume we will be worse. You can't discount the variable of players developing and getting better. What if both JB and Reaves shooting % from the 3 pt line come in closer to what they shot 2 seasons ago (both were 40%+)?? Harmon will certainly get better, as will all the other freshmen.

I think Manek and Reaves have a chance to average 18+ points/game. Not many teams will have 2 guys that can score like that...that duo can be VERY formidable.

This.... The team will just be different without Doo.

Jalen hill will be better.... Harmon will be better.... Victor and Kuath will be better .. we don't know what to expect from Garang and Issanza.