And the liberals wouldn't support him no matter what he did either. Some of them literally did not clap/cheer during his SOTU speech when we was talking about record low unemployment amount AA's. That is CRAZY to me.
I think there are a few things to keep in mind here.
1.) I would absolutely applaud him if he did a great job handling this crisis. Typically American's come together at time of crisis, such as 9/11. The Republicans under George Bush repaid that with a phony war against Iraq that costs trillions of dollars and thousands of American lives. It was based on known false pretenses. At this point, no denying it now. It is what it is.
I am a liberal... and one area I have agreed with Trump is his anti-war stance. The problem is, those problems still haven't ceased. We are still in Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan. It sounds like there planned troop reductions in the works, but we are STILL there. That was common ground I had with Trump, and supported him on.
I also fully support updating trade deals that are bad for our country. If a new NAFTA or TPP, or deal with China or the EU makes our workers better off, I am all for that.
2.) Economically, there is little he can do to appease liberals. Allow me to explain.
Conservatives and Liberals are simply too far apart on what the world should even look like that the results don't matter. If liberals just wanted to be the ones to tout low unemployment numbers, your premise would be true, which is that they didn't clap even though it was a good time to clap. Low African-American unemployment numbers are seemingly a good thing to clap about. They probably should have. It's not like I am upset about that figure, or deny it, but I have a deeper problems than that.
You don't understand liberals... His world, and your world, aren't what liberals want.
----We want a full green energy system. He wants to dig coal.
----We want universal health care (like the rest of the world). He wants the old way.
----We want tuition-free education (like the rest of the world). He wants the status quo which isn't working.
----We want expanded Social Security. His party wants to de-fund it to death.
----We want guaranteed time off, vacation days, better benefits. He wants the old way.
----We want policies put in place for more equitable wealth distribution. He does not. He wants the old way.
----We want huge corporate money out politics so these things can be achieved. They want to keep it the way it is.
Those are just a few examples related to economics and quality of life. I could go on all day. He is touting a successful stat from his world. His world has different metrics for success than what liberals envision.
In his world, if everyone is employed, that's a win. It doesn't matter if they:
A.) Have good healthcare or healthcare at all
B.) Have gigantic education debt or education at all... or got a good primary education
C.) Have any benefits at work
D.) Have any certain quality of life... just employment will do.
E.) Make anything more than $7.50 per hour
D.) Have any time off, work/life balance, etc.
F.) Are guaranteed any certain hours, full-time, part-time, whatever.. just having A job will do.
G.) Can afford any type of respectable housing
31% of the country makes less than $12 an hour... throw in who makes $12.50, $13, $13.50, $14, etc... You get the picture. Roughly 42% of the country makes less than $15 an hour. That's a problem, to a liberal anyway.
Being employed (which is what you are touting) has only been a problem a few times in American history, through all different styles of leadership. That isn't the metric of success that liberals are looking for.
I would say being employed in some form or fashion is literally the bare minimum.