2024 2 Signees 1 open ship offers/prospects

Re: 2024 offers/prospects

He’s undersized but can play. Better than Cole and Lazenby. If you’ve watched Ed North the past several years you come away more impressed with him than TO.

Concur. I’m a take if we are covered correctly. He’s undersized but keeps producing vs high d1 bigs
Re: 2024 offers/prospects


I want to make a joke about us taking a flyer on a foreign player but at this point there's no reason to leave a scholarship sitting there open
Re: 2024 offers/prospects

I want to make a joke about us taking a flyer on a foreign player but at this point there's no reason to leave a scholarship sitting there open

Just gotta make sure Sac State doesn't beat our NIL offer.
Re: 2024 offers/prospects


Man.. im sooo out on foreigners. They dont work out for us, like ever. Still someone has to take the last scholly
Re: 2024 offers/prospects

Yea...fvck all 120 foreign players in the NBA. LOL

How many of them played college ball in the US? Honest question--I have no idea of the answer, but plenty of guys seem to get drafted into the NBA who never played college ball here, so we may be talking about two very different pools of players.
Re: 2024 offers/prospects

Re: 2024 offers/prospects

Buddy Hield is from the Bahamas.

Jk, a little bit.

I'd take the Turkish kid. I went and looked at his IG - https://www.instagram.com/karahanefeoglu/ - I'd be okay with taking the chance on him with the last scholly. It doesn't work? Eh, oh well, better than wasting it.
Re: 2024 offers/prospects

How many of them played college ball in the US? Honest question--I have no idea of the answer, but plenty of guys seem to get drafted into the NBA who never played college ball here, so we may be talking about two very different pools of players.

Europe does things completely different than we do. A lot of those guys start training for pro ball early and are already playing pro ball in their teens. I was just being sarcastic and having fun.
Re: 2024 offers/prospects

How many of them played college ball in the US? Honest question--I have no idea of the answer, but plenty of guys seem to get drafted into the NBA who never played college ball here, so we may be talking about two very different pools of players.

I would guess Gonzaga is in double-digits with them. It can work, but you have to know what you're doing, which hasn't been the case with our program (or most others).
Re: 2024 offers/prospects

I would guess Gonzaga is in double-digits with them. It can work, but you have to know what you're doing, which hasn't been the case with our program (or most others).

I'm rescinding this. Several of their international guys were Canada or other non-european countries, and a few of their stud foreigners didn't actually make the NBA from my review.
Re: 2024 offers/prospects

Forsythe can really play, but he's not ever going to be a big PPG guy. Not a gunslinger, but his toughness, defense, basketball IQ are elite. Size is not great, but he looks like a guy who can bulk up a bit. The fact that he's done it consistently against high D1 athletes makes him worth a shot.
Re: 2024 offers/prospects

If he's not good enough for the SEC, he's not good enough for the Big 12 since it's a better league.

I disagree.

The argument is more about how good he will be at OU (either league). Future star potential or a guard version of say, Sam Godwin (not because they're both white, IDC about that)? Who knows.
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Re: 2024 offers/prospects

If he's not good enough for the SEC, he's not good enough for the Big 12 since it's a better league.

I disagree.

The argument is more about how good he will be at OU (either league). Future star potential or a guard version of say, Sam Godwin (not because they're both white, IDK about that)? Who knows.

I’ve never seen him play and hadn’t watched a second of his highlights till this specific video, so my opinion is worth very little here (some obviously think my opinion is always worth nothing lol). That said, my initial reaction is that he seems like he would be in the same category as the two guards who just left. Hopefully he is a better athlete, or at least in better shape, than Noland. But the consensus on the board is that Cortes isn’t the type of guy who could thrive at OU. I have a hard time seeing this guy being anything more than that. Unless he is an absolute knockdown shooter, is he the type of player who could elevate us beyond the disappointing level we have been at the past two years? I’m open to being convinced otherwise by people who have seen him and can credibly speak about his game.