'24 Coaching Carousel Thread

I think OSU could do a lot worse. This isn't just a normal Division II coach. He could have moved to a mid-major by now and done well. Scuttlebutt on the Mo State board was that he was slow playing them for Drake...he may have been slow playing them for OSU.

Huge step up from the MIAA to the Big 12. High risk, high reward for both parties. OSU's a tough job. They need to take a risk.

Just a few things:

-Genuinely never seen a situation like this before at Kentucky. People who are usually my sources for info are calling me wondering what is going on and everyone has the same info....Mitch is deciding and literally no one knows what he will do. As one person told me, "I wouldn't want to be in his shoes because there is no good decision." As I Said on the the Twitter space, there are probably 2-3 people involved and they aren't talking.

- The meeting between Calipari and Mitch is going on today (maybe even right now). The Herald Leader is reporting that Calipari will be on his show at 6 pm. That is wild to me considering that I don't think the situation will be resolved that point but I know I will be listening.

- I get the sense from a number of people that the biggest issue is this...there is a worry about what happens if they let Calipari go and he goes somewhere else and kills it. What then? I get that fear but ultimately if the relationship is bad you do what you have to do. But the fear of "Cal. 2.0" at another school is a concern that I know Mitch and others have.

- I feel confident in what I said last night. Calipari will either not be the coach here next year or he will be told he can't operate as an independent until not with oversight by the Athletics Department anymore. It is unclear to me if Cal would accept option 2.

Now we all wait.....
Apparently, the osu NIL is very bad. I’m not sure why they’d pay a huge buyout to fire their coach and not use that money for NIL.
At this point, I’d think Texas “sources” are trying to drag Porter Moser to damage OU recruiting efforts. It just makes us look bad and that’s the point. It’s negative recruiting.