Earlier this season, the women played Louisville at Louisville. Peyton Verhulst, who transferred to OU from Louisville, scored 21 points and OU won 78 - 72. The Louisville fans were gracious to Peyton before and after the game.
Last year, when the women played OSU in Stillwater, the Aggie fans booed Lexie Keys every time she touched the ball. She ignored them.
I didn't get to tune into this game until there were about 6 minutes to go in the 1st half. As usual, I watched with the sound down. I don't know if our fans were on Oweh's case the entire game or not but I assume they were. He acted like a horses ass during the 2nd half. My philosophy about trash talking is if you are really good at it, no one knows you are doing it. Hollis was supposedly great at this. If everyone knows you are doing it, you are doing it wrong.
Watching this game, I was reminded of a quote I read from Jack Mildren after the Game of the Century, I believe. The quote was, "I would rather lose and go back to our locker room than win and go to any other team's locker room." I would rather have 10 Peyton Verhulsts and Lexie Keys than 100 Otegah Owehs.