

Don't get your panties in a wad, lol. You all will lose at home to Kansas and Texas and have a fairly rough road ahead. Nice win, but like I said, you caught KSU flat and worn out and fat and sasy after beating #1 Texas on national TV. No way they were focused on osu.

Just because I disagree doesn't mean my "panties are in a wad"... LOL.

Re: the OSU/KSU game...explain it away and make excuses if it makes you feel better. OSU was also playing without its starting point guard, but we get no credit for that, right?

KSU was "focused" enough to lead the game throughout the first half and even built a 9-point lead in the second half, but OSU kept coming back. When Ford switched to the 1-3-1 zone, it completly confused KSU and OSU went on the run to take the lead for good. That's called good coaching and players executing.

And no offense, but I think I won't count those KU and Texas games inside GIA as losses until they actually happen. I'm sure that you would have told me this time yesterday that there was no way OSU would beat KSU in Manhattan.

OSU plays good defense and we have James Anderson... those two factors will mean we have a chance to beat just about anybody. That was demonstrated yesterday.

Don't look at what you are NOW, look at what you have to do in the future - take off those terrible orange glasses. 8-8 won't get you all in and not even 9-7 will because you all had a TERRIBLE non conference. Just sayin.

No... OU had a "terrible" non-conference. OSU's non-conference was just fine. We were 12-2, losing two road games to teams that will likely win their conference (Rhode Island and Tulsa), and beat several decent, but not great teams.

Our non-conference accomplishments this year are no better than last year, and as I previously noted, we were comfortably in the tournament at 9-7.

Add in the fact that the Big 12 is stronger as a whole this year (#2 conference in RPI), and making the tournament at 8-8 is probable while 9-7 would be a slam dunk, especially considering that OSU now has a signature win that many other bubble teams won't have.

Those are facts that have nothing to do with orange-colored glasses.

ANY Big 12 team that is 8-8 this year will be right there... especially those that have a few signature wins.
Jeff is right. OSU is right in the mix of things. With a signature win at home over Texas or KU (which I think there is a good chance they steal one of those) they are in the mix.
I think OSU is a 22-23 win team.
I think that 8-8 might get a B12 team in if there are six programs under .500; 9-7 in the B-12 is a lock to get in the tournament this season. Big win for oSu and their NCAA Tournament aspirations.

JMHO, but I think that the B12 gets six teams in this season. Right now, those teams would appear to be KU, UT, KSU and Baylor with OU, oSu, aTm and Mizzou probably fighting it out until the B12 Tournament. I think the B12 Tournament is going to be a big deal this year.
ku, ut, ksu, bu & mu.

osu & a&m could both get in, could both get left out.

isu still has an outside chance. but they certainly don't look like they're about to pull together.
Just because I disagree doesn't mean my "panties are in a wad"... LOL.

Re: the OSU/KSU game...explain it away and make excuses if it makes you feel better. OSU was also playing without its starting point guard, but we get no credit for that, right?

KSU was "focused" enough to lead the game throughout the first half and even built a 9-point lead in the second half, but OSU kept coming back. When Ford switched to the 1-3-1 zone, it completly confused KSU and OSU went on the run to take the lead for good. That's called good coaching and players executing.

And no offense, but I think I won't count those KU and Texas games inside GIA as losses until they actually happen. I'm sure that you would have told me this time yesterday that there was no way OSU would beat KSU in Manhattan.

OSU plays good defense and we have James Anderson... those two factors will mean we have a chance to beat just about anybody. That was demonstrated yesterday.

No... OU had a "terrible" non-conference. OSU's non-conference was just fine. We were 12-2, losing two road games to teams that will likely win their conference (Rhode Island and Tulsa), and beat several decent, but not great teams.

Our non-conference accomplishments this year are no better than last year, and as I previously noted, we were comfortably in the tournament at 9-7.

Add in the fact that the Big 12 is stronger as a whole this year (#2 conference in RPI), and making the tournament at 8-8 is probable while 9-7 would be a slam dunk, especially considering that OSU now has a signature win that many other bubble teams won't have.

Those are facts that have nothing to do with orange-colored glasses.

ANY Big 12 team that is 8-8 this year will be right there... especially those that have a few signature wins.

Jeff, first I never mentioned OU (although you may forget that you are on an OU board, not an aggie board). So quit taking it there. I'm just talking about osu. Please tell me who your signature wins are (of course the KSU win is a very good one). I don't see a single thing but maybe you can enlighten me. Getting slaughtered by Tulsa is nothing I would want to even bring up if I were you, and I wouldn't want to "hang my hat" on a defeat to Rhode Island, lol. And before you get too excited, I doubt in GIA or on Mars you all will have any chance against either Texas or Kansas. Do you remember that your tallest player, who plays any, is 6 foot 7 inches? Kansas and Texas will swallow the ags. And get real, if osu played the team and crowd that showed up last Monday night (even with your wonderful point guard), you get plastered. And you won, quit whining about your PG, OU had to play without our leading scorer. Take J. Anderson out of your lineup and you are now 2-3. Save my post and come back after both the GIA games with KU and UT and tell me I'm wrong. JMO
Just looked up todays RPI. Aggies are up to #28 with a 15-4. If they go 9-7 they will be in. 8-8 maybe, depends on what mid majors get at large bids. Pac10 and SEC probably won't get more than 3 or 4 each conf.

Our RPI fell to #87 BTW. Only winning the tourney gives us a chance.
Jeff, first I never mentioned OU (although you may forget that you are on an OU board, not an aggie board). So quit taking it there. I'm just talking about osu. Please tell me who your signature wins are (of course the KSU win is a very good one). I don't see a single thing but maybe you can enlighten me. Getting slaughtered by Tulsa is nothing I would want to even bring up if I were you, and I wouldn't want to "hang my hat" on a defeat to Rhode Island, lol. And before you get too excited, I doubt in GIA or on Mars you all will have any chance against either Texas or Kansas. Do you remember that your tallest player, who plays any, is 6 foot 7 inches? Kansas and Texas will swallow the ags. And get real, if osu played the team and crowd that showed up last Monday night (even with your wonderful point guard), you get plastered. And you won, quit whining about your PG, OU had to play without our leading scorer. Take J. Anderson out of your lineup and you are now 2-3. Save my post and come back after both the GIA games with KU and UT and tell me I'm wrong. JMO

I'm not going to say OSU will beat TU or KU at home, but to say they have no shot is just dumb. I would like OSU's chances at beating either one of those two at home, than their chances at beating KSU on the road, while missing their starting point guard.

You asked jeff for a signiture win. When you beat a top 10 team on the road you don't really need any more big wins on your resume'. With an 8-8 conference record OSU will still be a bubble team, but they would have a pretty high RPI and a win over a top 10 team on the road, that should be enough.
You asked jeff for a signiture win. When you beat a top 10 team on the road you don't really need any more big wins on your resume'. With an 8-8 conference record OSU will still be a bubble team, but they would have a pretty high RPI and a win over a top 10 team on the road, that should be enough.

i'd be surprised if kstate ends up a top 10 team.

and kstate beat ut and a&m last year on the road and got left out. there's no one, set criterion.
Please tell me who your signature wins are (of course the KSU win is a very good one). I don't see a single thing but maybe you can enlighten me. Getting slaughtered by Tulsa is nothing I would want to even bring up if I were you, and I wouldn't want to "hang my hat" on a defeat to Rhode Island, lol.

I wasn't "hanging my hat" on those losses. I was pointing out that our only non-conference losses were on the road against very good teams.

Yes, our signature win at this point is at KSU, we also have two RPI top 100 wins in non-conference (Pacific and Bradley).

It goes without saying that if we were to make it to 8-8 or 9-7 we would be adding a few more solid wins.

And I'm not saying that we're going to be high seed or anything with that kind of record, for crying out loud. Sometimes all it takes is one excellent win to make it off the bubble. How long have you been following college baksetball?

Do you remember that your tallest player, who plays any, is 6 foot 7 inches? Kansas and Texas will swallow the ags.

Have you even watched OSU play this year?

We've outrebounded our opponents by about 2 per game on the year. We just outrebounded KSU, who has destroyed everyone on the boards, including Texas.

And get real, if osu played the team and crowd that showed up last Monday night (even with your wonderful point guard), you get plastered.

LOL. The place was still sold out. Keep telling yourself this if it makes you feel better.

And you won, quit whining about your PG, OU had to play without our leading scorer.

Are you seriously that dense? YOU are the one making excuses for K-State... ("they weren't focused")... my point was that you would think missing one of our key starters would be enough for KSU to overcome their "lack of focus"... LOL. I guess that's not how it works in "I hate OSU" land.

I'm still waiting for you to address the fact that OSU easily made it into the tournament last year at 9-7 with nowhere near as good of a win as the K-State win this year.
I wasn't "hanging my hat" on those losses. I was pointing out that our only non-conference losses were on the road against very good teams.

Yes, our signature win at this point is at KSU, we also have two RPI top 100 wins in non-conference (Pacific and Bradley).

It goes without saying that if we were to make it to 8-8 or 9-7 we would be adding a few more solid wins.

And I'm not saying that we're going to be high seed or anything with that kind of record, for crying out loud. Sometimes all it takes is one excellent win to make it off the bubble. How long have you been following college baksetball?

Have you even watched OSU play this year?

We've outrebounded our opponents by about 2 per game on the year. We just outrebounded KSU, who has destroyed everyone on the boards, including Texas.

LOL. The place was still sold out. Keep telling yourself this if it makes you feel better.

Are you seriously that dense? YOU are the one making excuses for K-State... ("they weren't focused")... my point was that you would think missing one of our key starters would be enough for KSU to overcome their "lack of focus"... LOL. I guess that's not how it works in "I hate OSU" land.

I'm still waiting for you to address the fact that OSU easily made it into the tournament last year at 9-7 with nowhere near as good of a win as the K-State win this year.

Hey Aggie Jeff,

First, let me say I was probably GOING to games before you were born; so don't give me any of that crap. Second, keep those happy glasses on about "the place was still sold out", lol. Third, "we've outrebounded" blah blah blah; is that against KU and UT level people? NO - you haven't played at that level. And will you all have 6,000 fans at those games, lol? Last, the "I hate OSU" stuff; I personally couldn't care less about the ags - and no I don't watch most of their games because I don't care, hello. And you come on an OU board and wonder why you get alot of "hate OSU" stuff? Are YOU that DENSE? I believe you must be. Go to agent orange board if you want love for your ags.
Hey Aggie Jeff,

First, let me say I was probably GOING to games before you were born; so don't give me any of that crap. Second, keep those happy glasses on about "the place was still sold out", lol. Third, "we've outrebounded" blah blah blah; is that against KU and UT level people? NO - you haven't played at that level. And will you all have 6,000 fans at those games, lol? Last, the "I hate OSU" stuff; I personally couldn't care less about the ags - and no I don't watch most of their games because I don't care, hello. And you come on an OU board and wonder why you get alot of "hate OSU" stuff? Are YOU that DENSE? I believe you must be. Go to agent orange board if you want love for your ags.

I am glad to see you can have a good honest fact based debate.
I'm still waiting for you to address the fact that OSU easily made it into the tournament last year at 9-7 with nowhere near as good of a win as the K-State win this year.

Dude, that lucky win over the Sooners in the Big12 Tourney was what got the aggies in. The refs were horrible that game. Curtis Shaw and John Higgins suck.

And yes our Sooner team from last year would've mopped the floor with this years kstate team.
Dude, that lucky win over the Sooners in the Big12 Tourney was what got the aggies in. The refs were horrible that game. Curtis Shaw and John Higgins suck.

And yes our Sooner team from last year would've mopped the floor with this years kstate team.

Hate to break it to you that win by OSU last year was no fluke. We took you to the wire at your house not long before that. I would say OU was a tick better than OSu at the end of last year but not by much.
And yes our Sooner team from last year would've mopped the floor with this years kstate team.

And you know this how? Considering OU beat a much worse KSU team by 8 last year my guess that same team wouldn't have "mopped the floor" with this KSU team.
Hate to break it to you that win by OSU last year was no fluke. We took you to the wire at your house not long before that. I would say OU was a tick better than OSu at the end of last year but not by much.

OU went to the Elite 8 losing to the best team, while OSU lost in the second round...Not to mention that the NCAA title game was played a week early in the Elite 8 OU-UNC. OU was a lot better team than OSU last season,and judging by the OSU-OU game this season we are still the better team!
OU went to the Elite 8 losing to the best team, while OSU lost in the second round...Not to mention that the NCAA title game was played a week early in the Elite 8 OU-UNC. OU was a lot better team than OSU last season,and judging by the OSU-OU game this season we are still the better team!

James Anderson going out of the game with a slight concussion had more to do with the outcome of that game than anything OU did.

If he doesn't go down OSU wins that in regulation.

The Championship game statement is pure comedy.
OU went to the Elite 8 losing to the best team, while OSU lost in the second round...Not to mention that the NCAA title game was played a week early in the Elite 8 OU-UNC. OU was a lot better team than OSU last season,and judging by the OSU-OU game this season we are still the better team!

Because you lost to the eventual N.C. you think that makes you the second best team in the country. That makes sense to me. I might think that since OSU beat a good Tennesse team and then was knocked out by a number one seed and very nearly won that game that we could have advanced as far as OU did if we had played the same teams as the Sooners. All that comparitive stuff is horse hockey. The record at the end of the year between the two teams is there to see. Overlook it if you want but you can't ignore the facts that it presents.