Here's the exact quote, taken from a response you made to Ada on 10-18-2011 at 12:12 AM:
"People like you seem to just hate."
So you're right that you didn't use the word "hater"; instead, you accused Ada of being someone who "just hates." I'm not sure I see a clear distinction between the two, but if you feel there is one, I'll defer to you with apologies.
And yeah, I'll play the spelling card when someone misspells my handle. That's kind of an insult, after all. And it's not as though the correct spelling isn't available to you right here in this thread.
As for your characterization of my contributions (such as they are) to this board, it was not accurate. I'm sure I'm guilty of occasionally posting in the fashion you described, but it's certainly not the only kind of thing I post. That's simply inaccurate.
Either you know that full well or you don't read my posts very carefully. If the latter, perhaps you should endeavor to do the kind of research Ada undertook before characterizing another poster in the future.
Finally, I'm glad to hear you and Ada have settled your differences. Ada is a fine guy, and we're lucky to have him here. Honestly, anyone who can't be friendly with Ada is something close to a lost cause.