What do you think of this line?

So who would want ww on this team today? I sure don't.
I assume you are gathering all of the evidence up

Here is one of the charges reported in the Tulsa World. The link is to the thread on this board back when the article was originally published by the TW.


It says:

Some OU insiders believe the Sooners' problems started last summer when Capel hired a new weight and conditioning coach. Warren and senior guard Tony Crocker reportedly didn't like the new workout regime and rebelled. In doing so, they set an extremely bad example for the four incoming freshman, who all ended up getting in Capel's doghouse at some point in the season.

Here is charge #2:


There are troubled kids, there are bad apples, and there is Willie Warren. After his freshman season, this 6'4" combo guard was projected as a top 10 pick, despite nearly tearing his Oklahoma team apart after (allegedly) messing with senior guard Austin Johnson’s girl.

Read 'em and weep.
I say the Warren was a dog, a flake, and disruptive to the team. You don't think so. Prove it.

you said it was a fact that he slept with AJ's girlfriend, didn't practice,etc.

You are the one that said it was a fact. I never said it wasn't a fact. But if you are going to say it happened, prove it
lol sorry, still laughing about using bleacher report as a source. lol
Bounce, quit your lame halfassed trolling of these poor people and get back to the 'Thieves, where they are more aware of your foolishness...
Bounce, quit your lame halfassed trolling of these poor people and get back to the 'Thieves, where they are more aware of your foolishness...

Thanks for clearing that up. I was beginning to think that he was actually that dumb.
still waiting

you will be waiting a long time. As stated before, this is a message board. We all have opinions. Sometimes opinions can be proven as fact, sometimes they can't.

I've proven the story of WW and Crocker leading a revolt of summer conditioning because the writer of the article in the Tulsa World wouldn't have published their names if he didn't have hard evidence.

As for the rumors of WW sleeping with AJ's girlfriend, which were rampant back when it occured, those cannot be proven because those in the know, which is the team and coaching staff, have never verified it. However, the old adage, "where there is smoke, there is also fire", applies here.

So, keep waiting and acting like you are smarter than everyone else, because it's readily apparent in this thread alone, you are not (smarter than everyone else).

This is my last post in this thread. Buh-bye. :ez-laugh:
still waiting

Willie is that you? You always have liked that number 13. You sure did F up a good thing. You could have been special but instead you are footnote of what not to do with incredible talent. Sorry it worked out that way for you. Maybe if you develope a good atttitude and work hard overseas you can still make the NBA. Defending yourself on OU message boards is probably not going to make your dreams come true. Growing up and accepting responsibility for some bad choices might. Good luck. None of us hate you we just think it is sad that it didn't work out because you could have been great.
This is the way I will go as well. We had such high expectations for that group, and WW was supposed to be the "leader". It was a huge disappointment for all of us, and I understand the bitterness we all have over it.

But there is nothing to be gained by being negative towards those guys now. I choose to move forward, enjoy the coaches and the hard-working players who are here today, and appreciate the future we have with LK running the show.

I would take him in a heart beat. And anyone that wouldn't is a fool. Add him to this team and we could be ranked in the top 15

Add him to this team and he could be the same cancer to the Freshmen he was in 09-10
There are obviously two schools of thought about building a basketball team. One school of thought doesn't think that the character of the players matters. The other does. I belong to the school that thinks character matters. They don't have to be angels, but they have to respect their teammates, make their grades and put the team goals before their own personal goals. If you can't do these three things, I don't want you on my team, no matter how talented you are.