'24 Coaching Carousel Thread

Am I the only one that doesn't see Dusty May as a sure thing? He's likely to end up at Louisville or tOSU and I can honestly see him not meeting expectations at either one.

I don't know what he'll do, I just think its probably 50/50 what kind of results he gets over the next 10 years.
Someone floated a rumor on Curry Hicks Sage's Twitter space last night that Dusty might just stay at FAU. The timing might not be right for him to leave FAU during the tournament for Louisville or tOSU. Of course, either of those schools may hire other people.

He really wants Indiana and may risk staying at FAU until Indiana opens up. That's a risk...there's no guarantee FAU will keep winning big.
Someone floated a rumor on Curry Hicks Sage's Twitter space last night that Dusty might just stay at FAU. The timing might not be right for him to leave FAU during the tournament for Louisville or tOSU. Of course, either of those schools may hire other people.

He really wants Indiana and may risk staying at FAU until Indiana opens up. That's a risk...there's no guarantee FAU will keep winning big.
My friend worked with him on Knight's student manager staff at Indiana. He's convinced May will hold out one year for Indiana.
There really are a lot of high profile jobs open this year. Will be interesting to see how the dominoes fall.
OSU fans only care about rooting against OU and jumping on the band wagon. That's the only time they show up in any sport. They are NOT a dedicated fanbase.
I have thought this often (and perhaps posted it once or twice--can't recall). I really think what passion their fan base has is based on hatred of OU. They don't have anyone else even resembling a rival. I think, with OU's departure, it could go a couple of ways for them: they could become a big dog in the Big 12 in football, with OU and texas out of the way, and could maybe move up a few rungs with the right hire in basketball, or their fans could become even more disinterested without OU to hate. If they're winning conference championships in either sport, they'll do ok due to bandwagon fans, but if their level of success remains roughly what it is, they could be in trouble.
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Someone floated a rumor on Curry Hicks Sage's Twitter space last night that Dusty might just stay at FAU. The timing might not be right for him to leave FAU during the tournament for Louisville or tOSU. Of course, either of those schools may hire other people.

He really wants Indiana and may risk staying at FAU until Indiana opens up. That's a risk...there's no guarantee FAU will keep winning big.
The Matt Campbell decision. He made the wrong choice instead of leaving ISU when he was hot.

I think May is a really good coach, but when you are at a lesser program, it doesn't take much for the luster to wear off.
The Matt Campbell decision. He made the wrong choice instead of leaving ISU when he was hot.

I think May is a really good coach, but when you are at a lesser program, it doesn't take much for the luster to wear off.
Excellent point. Matt Campbell stayed at Iowa State too long and now he's stuck there.

Dusty needs to get out of FAU this year, even if it's not to Louisville or Ohio State. Michigan is now open.
I have thought this often (and perhaps posted it once or twice--can't recall). I really think what passion their fan base has is based on hatred of OU. They don't have anyone else even resembling a rival. I think, with OU's departure, it could go a couple of ways for them: they could become a big dog in the Big 12 and football, with OU and texas out of the way, and could maybe move up a few rungs with the right hire in basketball, or their fans could become even more disinterested without OU to hate. If they're winning conference championships in either sport, they'll do ok due to bandwagon fans, but if their level of success remains roughly what it is, they could be in trouble.
They hate OU more than they like their own team. Everyone connected with OSU is someone that made a conscious decision to not choose OU, either as a student or as a fan. There's some psychosis there.

They have invested in football in recent years. The opportunity is there for them to make the new CFP consistently from the Big 12. They can be a football school in a basketball conference. As long as Gundy is there, there's a pretty good chance of that happening. But if football falls apart for them, they're toast.
They hate OU more than they like their own team. Everyone connected with OSU is someone that made a conscious decision to not choose OU, either as a student or as a fan. There's some psychosis there.

They have invested in football in recent years. The opportunity is there for them to make the new CFP consistently from the Big 12. They can be a football school in a basketball conference. As long as Gundy is there, there's a pretty good chance of that happening. But if football falls apart for them, they're toast.
There is no chance of making the new college football playoffs consistently since all Gundy do is choke
Abd you are cray cray. Hiring a dude that isn't even a coach is crazier than hiring boyton in the first place

My honest opinion..... Gottlieb would put together a winning program at OSU. I also believe he can surround himself with plenty of experience to make up for his lack thereof. He also won't pull a Brad Underwood and leave at the first second they succeed.

They could also go with a Mike Anderson, has ties to the area, did well at Missouri and Arkansas, and has tons of experience.
The Matt Campbell decision. He made the wrong choice instead of leaving ISU when he was hot.

I think May is a really good coach, but when you are at a lesser program, it doesn't take much for the luster to wear off.
he lives in boca ... rides a bike to work ... and makes a bunch of money ... i think he will be fine if he stays ...
My honest opinion..... Gottlieb would put together a winning program at OSU. I also believe he can surround himself with plenty of experience to make up for his lack thereof. He also won't pull a Brad Underwood and leave at the first second they succeed.

They could also go with a Mike Anderson, has ties to the area, did well at Missouri and Arkansas, and has tons of experience.
is there ANY example of that working
Gottlieb isn't even a legit candidate.

You can't say, for sure, that it wouldn't work out but I just don't see a scenario where it would. It'll now be more of a rebuild in all likelihood and I doubt Doug would know how to navigate the chaos. It was posted on Scoop (shoutout maplelongjohn) but if Doug was serious about wanting the job, he should have become a coach by now. Assistant, whatever.

There are way better candidates out there. Hiring Montonati as an assistant? I could see that though, for sure.
their top 5 should be bucky mcmillan, matt langel, ryan odom, will wade, and darrian devries.
I have to admit: the Gottlieb thing intrigues me. If he surrounds himself with proper assistants he can have some success up there. You guys are selling short the cult factor in Stillwater. These people live to hate OU. They are now a rudderless ship. We are their north star/beacon/guiding light. If they hire Doug they can circle the wagons and try their best to figure out this new normal. Hiring Gottlieb will also ensure they won't have a guy leave after a season (Underwood) nor will they have to pony up stupid money at the first modicum of success (TF, Boynton).

It's a different world now. All the funds flow to football. Eddie Sutton isn't walking through that door. They got a donor to build them a beautiful baseball stadium, but it's going be very tough to get a good BBall coach there who can stick. I remember when Tulsa went through this and then ultimately watched the program slip away under Phillips. ADs make good money to navigate choppy waters, and Weiberg will be earning his salary with this hire.
It's a different world now. All the funds flow to football. Eddie Sutton isn't walking through that door. They got a donor to build them a beautiful baseball stadium, but it's going be very tough to get a good BBall coach there who can stick. I remember when Tulsa went through this and then ultimately watched the program slip away under Phillips. ADs make good money to navigate choppy waters, and Weiberg will be earning his salary with this hire.

It's a new world at Silo Tech. They are now a football school. They have also chosen to break away from OU. (Yes, I know we chose to leave the Big 12, but they are breaking ties with us wherever possible) It's sink or swim in Stillwater. They can't pull on big brother's coattails anymore.