Easy to remember why I quit watching. Hoping I’d have a happy return Vs the worst team in the league. Instead I get the same **** show I saw in January.

I thought you left already?
Every possession critical now. Toughen up on D and make shots

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Christian James, it's bad when ESPN announcers are calling you out.
Find a way. Just find a way.

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Uh Bienemy literally dribbled the ball right into that guy’s hand.
Dangit out freshman pulled a freshman move there.. steal this game!!
Why is Bienemy crossing over that close to the defender? Another dumb TO in clutch minutes.
We may win or we may not....but I've seen just about enough of garbage basketball over the last 3 seasons. We are soft as hell.
So poorly coached. Absolutely no concept of time or in game situations.
Manek is embarrassing on the defensive end. Maybe block out one person one time? Maybe? Try?