OU @ ISU 1pm CST on ESPN+

Nice drive. OU down 2 under 12. Goldwire shooting 2 after the time out.

Refs letting ISU be very physical out front
Offense the last 5+ minutes has been keystone cops. Gonna have to find a way to win this game 52-50.....ugh.
Terrible pass.

Keep playing good d. And if they hit step back and side steps. You live with that
Geez. Chagois, that was a terrible pass.

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Without Harkless our defense is not nearly as good. We have to score more to win and I’m not sure that’s going to happen.
FOr the life of me I just don't understand why fans wouldn't want to come to Lloyd Noble to watch this brand of basketball. It has me scratching my head!
Yes, I never like it when Tanner has to guard his guy on the perimeter.

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And even if mo catches it what is he going to do?

This is my biggest (only really) issue with Moser so far. There is too often compete chaos/confusion offensively. It’s as if they literally never practice any offensive sets. Obviously they do, but something isn’t clicking. We lack certain things athletically no doubt which makes it hard, but what we’ve seen so far today is just TOO bad. Total panic mode.
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