OU vs osu 6pm CST on ESPN+ ....Toby Keith Night

Need to make the FTs became should be shooting a lot of them
Make FTs. D is good. Just need to make the free ones when we get them and we should get a bunch
3-21 for osu and they are in the game.

Needs to be much better for ou. No excuse for another sorry ass start in front of a sell out crowd.
Wouldn’t mind running some more action to get Waldo a catch and shoot 3. He’s the only person that seems to have a pulse on O
Porter needs to tell Uzan to start letting it rip. His play when he’s being aggressive is so much better than when he’s this passive
If we had a real strong big we would be really good but we don’t and it makes offense harder. That’s why these turnovers are painful. Stop the turnovers and make the darn FTs