OU vs osu 6pm CST on ESPN+ ....Toby Keith Night

I like that Sam threw it back out there. I wish he felt comfortable putting it back up. But better to pull it out if you are not.
osu uniforms make my eyes bleed.

Kinda ugly game so far. Both teams playing good defense. Uzan is so smooth. He needs to be more aggressive and take the ball to the rim more often.
I’m an optimist , but this is hard to watch! We look so sluggish and tired on offense,
I hate how are bigs are slow and getting back into position after doubling.
Are you freaking kidding me?

That’s a bull**** call.
What a candy ass call. There’s a difference between talking some **** within the context of a game/play and “showing someone up”. Just bull****
Just too many dumb plays to pull away. Turnovers, missed easy shots, missed FTs, and now a T
You yell at the opposing bench you're going to get a T. Gotta be smarter than that.